way too much fuzz about chrono

sure you can have him back  :wink:

which requieres a fancy combination of legendaries I assume against chrono you can just run rexkong + gaia and he´s done, I guess everyone has those two.

I Still don´t see it because if everyone runs either a counter or chrono the ones using chrono will lose  ~ 75 % of the time and won´t be using it anymore and things will go back to usual.

Again, having to run 2 very specific monsters that have little to no value in most other matchups shows that it’s not a monster that can be reasonably countered. The fact that it requires 2 specific monsters (or playing the guessing game with aegis) to counter 1 monster just shows you how efficient it is. As if killing a monster with a move with 80s cooldown isn’t efficient enough.

If you run throw than that’s a 15 monster team, that’s your handicap. And Rex cannot kill zeros unless he throws. Running both Kong and Gaia in Fl for PvP is actually very dangerous because they do not have Good AoE capacity to make up for their stun weakness. Also if they run both TT and Chrono and you don’t run chrono, Kong and Gaia have to make a choice. Either way you sustain heavy losses. Gaia cannot zealous chronozar in one hit, as Kong can barely do it itself with 400 atk pts more. Thus at best you throw at Chrono and zealous the TT. You have 2 moves left and if you don’t kill their TT, then you’re screwed. But if you focus their TT, their remaining two mons wreck you.

Above the 600 mark, 1/3 of matches I see ChronoZEROS. That’s even more often than how much I see robin. And you can’t just remove mons from your team like people did for Robin to neutralize the threat.

A counter is a strategy that lets you come up strategically or numerically positive. Using throw at start to kill chrono is not a counter, while turbonightrider is.

*night night turbo I’ll have you know.
Also having a 15 monsterms team with moji stuck at the end is not that much of a handicap tbh, you can make a reliable 14 monster team work.

But anyway I should add that if they have a legend tt then you physically cannot kill it without using chronox or getting a tt beforehand, there is no monster that does enough damage. And yes you could attempt to flip like a vemtokaizer and take advantage of the type matchup, but there’s a 50% chance of that failing miserably

the real problem here again is how strong the legendary TTs are.

No because in this case, there have been enough faster monsters introduced to stop them. Additionally the poison eater knockbacks outspeed them, so omegas/tia leads typically screw over TT setups. However, this is countered by chrono fast striking them, who you could say pretty much functions at the start of the match purely to stop things from killing your TT, and does it a bit too well.

I have to say that Rexkong himself is a counter to Chronox. Throw can one shot Chronozeros. That works if there aren’t autoprotectors obviously… The problem isn’t chronozeros himself but faststrike that kill too easily and should be nerfed… Btw don’t know if devs wanted this but Chronozeros is the best counter to TT atm… You’re probably thinking that now i’m here to complain about TT… Well it’s true. Faststrike is a sure kill (i kill TT with faststrike, don’t know others) but TT can swipe teams. Tell me what you want but TT is OP too. It’s really hard to kill a legendary TT in a good frontline … Want to nerf the counter to a OP move like TT? It’s ok. Faststrike it’s OP and it’s fair to nerf it. But if you tell me that you want pvp to be fair you have to nerf TT as well. Actually TT is probably what makes Chronozers himself (not only faststrike this time) really OP in a frontline. That’s what I think.

That also assumes Galv doesn’t move first to stun Kong, as protectors are rare these days. Kong becomes a liability if he can’t move in early game, because stun revenge is typically useless or feeds Leo. He’s immune to Timestrike, can TSA and also Faststrike anything that’s upcoming. An accelerated +9 zeros is disgusting. TTs had a reliable counter in autopoisoners, but that is no more. Even stuff like para/Remus/water salamander are outsped by chrono

Do you know some top player that doesn’t think on a counter to stun? Or do you know someone who runs a effective galvbane frontline that didn’t get wrecked? Galvbane is the last problem for a Rexkong. I didn’t said that chronozeros is ok as he is right now. I said that if you take from him his role in pvp, pvp himself will return a matter of TT.

And sorry can you tell me more about this autopoisoners counter to TT? I’m not sarcastic, atm i can’t remember this counter to TT…

PS: they should give possibility to bring monsters under epic rank to +9 too with epic potions…

If Rexkong can throw at chrono, you are assuming no protector, which means it’s ok for me to assume I can stun your Rexkong as well for you lacking a protector.

The autopoisoners outspeed the Leg TTs by 6 speed. If you pot them to +4 the Leg TTs will never outspeed them. Right now that is usually irrelevant because Chrono will just Faststrike the autopoisoners instead to prevent the knockback. But autopoison + any TT used to be a way to counter leg TTs

And yes, I’d love to be able to pot my para and remus.

Oh you meant knock back… I thought you were talking about something else.

Btw i always keep safe my team from stun. And i run Rexkong. I’m not assuming no protector. I’m assuming no autoprotectors. The only autoprotector i can find in frontlines is Aegis. But Aegis is perfect to protect TT too. Not only Chronozeros. But if you put Aegis assassinate is a counter for Chronozeros but not for Mecha that can resist assassinate from death chicken… And Icetiger isn’t fast enough… Maybe as fifth but someone has to die before… What i want to say it’s that as Chronozeros is OP, TT is OP… You have problems to find a counter to Chronozeros but for TT the problem is even worst… It’s OP to kill a monster every 84 secs but it isn’t OP swipe a frontline? A battle of TT is a battle that the fastest with better monsters wins…

I’ve actually found Chronozeros even without a TT can do some really ridiculous stuff if you let him. I’ve lost when I was 14-6 after opening with TT due to a lucky death revenge followed by entrance of bane, chrono and GTs.

I’d argue that TT isn’t that useful without the proper sweepers, while Chrono can run his own support due to one shotting nearly everything that comes in when accelerated. If you don’t have fast mons coming in, you’re effectively screwed by a 67 TU Faststrike. It’s the same reason I think terror is a problem, but is usually harder to setup (which I believe is OP as well, but not many can run that tactic. So it isn’t my main concern yet). And seriously, his Timestrike All is effectively a DA. If one thing is above 300 or 2 things 150-200 it’s usually bye bye.

So a support can’t be OP? If so let’s make a monster with 99999999 def and all stats and without moves too… He is a support. He can’t die but it isn’t OP because can’t kill either… TT is OP because can set all the sweepers too well!

Chrono protects sweepers by killing things before they can move when something comes in. TTs lack that functionality because GT is nearly twice the TU. Their TT was balanced by their speed and then the nerfed limit on 1 TT on field at a time. This was remedied through some quasi-rare strats that made him difficult to kill and possibly OP.

However, just having Chrono in the FL already is a huge deterrence itself. Him just being there stops the average player from being able to kill the TT without heavy losses unless they use Chrono themselves. He basically nullifies all the original weaknesses of TT all in one mon, while the previous strats revolving around the TT required more than just one monster.

I’m not saying TTs aren’t an issue (I believe the leg versions still are and shouldn’t have existed), but I believe Chrono is still the bigger problem. He is an I win card for most players, where everyone has access to him. If everyone had access to the leg TTs, I’m pretty sure their nerfs would have come sooner, and probably would’ve been nerfed harder.

kinda sad that things need to be nerfed just because everyone has them while stronger stuff stay untouched.


Nerfs don’t happen because people want them, they happen when the game needs them. We can bring concerns to the fore but outside of that we have no ability to influence any decision made in the end. We simply point and stand back

Why this chronox become trending topic ?
Horrorclaw and cryptblade need buff

Pvp is the flavour of the day and their power in pvp was not affected

I do not see any problems with chrono. There is not way hin to survive above 700+ because there are a lot of monster faster than him, which could kill him easily