Petition: Nerf Chronox' speed and Evileye (for pvp)

Please devs, please read through the following. We discussed a lot in our clan group about chronox (and his evolutions) and Eye.
About Eye: We came up with several uncounterble strats, for example a desperate all strat or whatsoever, that simply arent counterble, with eye as 5th mon, cause of his passive. So please change his passive.

About Chronox (+evolutions): Its annoying seeing Chronox in simply EVERY frontline (of those who havent got evileye)! The whole game is often decided by whose chronox is earlier at turn, thats really sad. So we came up with an idea: Why not giving him simply less speed? Would be solve the problem! (If its less speed than legy TT). Another suggestion is giving him a charge time of faststrike from about 50 seconds, but thats the same at all.

This topic is only meant for pvp, but as pvp will become big in the next month (so all of us think) it is really important to make those little nerfes.

I know there have been other topics with suggestions about that theme, but that is, what nme came up with.

I say go with Bucky’s idea, where he can’t use it in the first 100 seconds of the the battle. He won’t be able to be on the frontline, but obviously some mons are just not meant to be there, i.e. enterance guys. He’ll still be as powerful as ever, it just won’t be able to be exploited in an unfair way. He’ll just only be a midgame guy, which the meta really needs more of anyway.

yea, and neomonsters need midgame stuff atm

I feel there’s no need to lower his speed. Just change the way Faststrike works. The problem with Chronox IMO is that he gets easy kills in an “unfair” way, just by pure luck of the dice. I had a PvP match where I one shotted a Spinoarex when he entered just because he was fast and went right after Chronox. GG, at least he tried. And that’s not fun. At least if you kill a monster before he has a chance to move you do it with a move that has a pre-condition: Bloodthirst or Dreamhunt, for example. Here it’s just…“oh, you were unlucky enough to go 3 seconds after Chronox! Die!”

I don’t want to see him receive too many changes, he’s a free legend, not only that he’s a great legend, and it’s a great gift to every player, especially those who don’t pay or are starting out. He should be the awesome legend he’s supposed to be considering the time and resources needed to get him. Just that tiny rethinking of Faststrike and all is fine again.

As for the eye…that passive needs a nerf and I think we can all agree on it. Also, discussing other changes, I personally would like to see Double Retribution being slighly tweaked so it doesn’t trigger if you kill your own monsters…but I understand this is a design choice to make Ziberius and Ogremaster stronger just like Bane’s Double Poison Eater. So I’d like to know what do you guys think about this.

We’re past this point already I have brought the ziberius deathgazer setup and chronozar his frontline prowess to the developers their attention several days ago and they’re already looking into it.

Hopefully they would just remove Chronozar stun immunity…at least still possible to waste him if he is in the front line…><"

Just have harambe in frontlane and use his throw on chronox and hes dead why make such a big deal about him after all the efforts we put to evolve him

Harambe lol

But putting harambe at front is ruining many strategies u could make for example if u are running assisted or sleep or poison…
Harambe wont have synergy with any of those also the problem here is that chronox kills legend TT if he is in the frontline and if u are left with no legend TT but youre enemy is u are done, other problem is that chronox can kill many monsters as soon as the match starts, its literaly having a charged bloodthirsty as soon as the match starts

But your also runing many stratgies from harambe throw and zealous attack on any grass monster. And harambe can be used as a cannablise traget for zib to stun and do double kill. Not as broken as before but still playable.

Why many people want chrono a nerf, i know that you all guys think he’s too op or unbalanced but remember it’s a free legendary for all and for those who really are bad luck or still dont have a legendaries. It is the only hope for us to atleast survive in pvp or missions. Just an opinion guys no hate please thanks. :slight_smile:

Well you see, it’s fine for everyone to have a good option available, the thing that makes it problematic is that it’s just way too ​good. It’s to the point where if you don’t bring him, you’re going to have a really bad time.

The thing that makes this game good is that there’s a wide variety of viable winning strategies. But when every single one of them involves Chronozar, it makes the game arbitrary and just plain boring.

it is more the point that a whole pvp battle is just decided by whose chronox is first, otherwise you have to do a awesome comeback and most of the battles that isnt possible.

Please put in consideration this monster is strongest centerpiece rightnow, its help me as non spender in Sotf due to revival nerf

It doesn’t need to be absolutely unplayable. That kind of nerf is not necessary. The monster itself is not OP actually, it’s just the move. Chronozar will get Bloodthirst after evolving, so he should still help those who don’t spend.

A monster should not be the centerpiece of the team without any setup. Currently, he requires absolutely no setup to start sweeping, and outspeeds most other sweepers.

Why nerf he Chronox? The upcoming monsters will be even more OP. Power creep in this game is happening way faster than I expected. I have been playing since the beginning and have a whole lot of sub-standard legendaries. My suggestion is to start adjusting the cost of the monsters. Many of my legendaries are not as good as some of the newer superepics.

As anz said he requieres no set up to start killingand if u played last pvp u should know that some matches were decided by what chronox whent first, if u are telling me that is not ruining the pvp meta i have no idea what is

This is the most p2w comment i ever heard… You do realise that setups are exactly what only players have that pay money to the game? A f2p will take at least a year to have something close the a setup or a lot of luck. Currently chronox is just awesome. Does it deserve a nerf? No it doesn’t he is still counterable and obtainable by all easily. It is sad that he is currently the one of the best centerpieces but instead of nerfing him making some more monsters that can counter him is the fairer way. 

two words- Shomy and Zard. And I’ve barely paid at all, and I’m doing pretty well. 6 legends, and I hit 26th place in pvp, and it hasn’t quite been a year for me.

Top 10 pvp f2p here. I have average legends. Chronox is OP.
Been on this account for 7 months.