Venom Power

Honestly… what?

Venom power. Conditional excessive force… on a poison monster? Now I know it’s taboo to hate on a mons before pvp. But. The point of poison in my team is to disable shields, and surpass death revenges by killing them with poison. Makes no sense to me.

Especially with poison massacre. I would’ve appreciated an attack boost instead.


I think it gets attack boost from the excessive force as well. I was wiped by it instantly

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Does it get excessice force or just ignore shields and HG?

The most important aspect of EF in my view is the attack power disregarding defense stats…

I’m pretty sure the description of excessive force is it ignores hold ground and shield.

I don’t think it has anything to do with defense.

Excessive force goes through hg and shield and it ignores the enemy’s defense stat when dealing damage. If you dont wanna kill a group of mons where one has a dangerous passive then either remove poison from your pumpking so that it wont trigger the passive and will die of poison tick or kill it 1 by 1 using poison chomp.

I get that there’s ways around it, but it just seems counter intuitive to me ¯_(ツ)_/¯ like I said tho. I haven’t played it yet. I just wanted some opinions. I didn’t realize excessive force went through defense stats tho. That’s good to know.

It’s why delugazar is so good in UC.

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Ah I see… I thought it was just double bloodthirst and past hold ground. I’ve played UC for a while and I’m pretty sure my peng’s slayerbane all does wuss damage on the higher levels tho. I might be wrong

Cuz slayerbane damage charges slowly and will be dependent on how many kills the enemy team has while double blood thirst keeps growing stronger each kill you get and excessive force helps get the kills easily especially with those stunned absorbers

I feel like it’s a bit counter-intuitive too, but it does make things stronger. For PvP what it means is poison eater will actually charge the blood move and the blood move will kill anything it hits regardless of whether the target is poisoned (very nice!). It doesn’t change much for poison massacre but it means if you have 3/4 poisoned it’s probably a one-shot. You probably don’t want to use massacre anyway because of the 200TU.

It’s nice for PvE because it will make the poison eater actually do good damage! I haven’t run the numbers to see whether it will be good one-shot damage but it makes Pumpking one of the few poison monsters that can one-shot in PvE.

Wait, so it is truly excessive force?

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As long as he didn’t get one hit by the enemies xD

Excessive force if pumpking is poisoned

I know this thread is kinda dead, but I thought that Venom Power maybe should be given the extra ability to negate poison damage. Of course poison eater and the likes should still register that the mon is poisoned, but the ticking of poison just doesnt happen. Pumpking already gets solo bloodcrave and that damages it enough (if its used), and I feel like for a mon to be able to use posion to power itself up it shouldn’t be taking all that extra damage

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I agree that would be good. It would make it a nice alternate to poison immunity if paired with shield entrance or hold ground. Hopefully it’s not something that’s a nightmare/impossible to code.

For a monster who can kill at will if poisoned, dosent need anything else, specially what you suggested.

As per design, every move given to it, is a great poison monster who dosen’t rely on its teammates to get itself charged.,
All you need is place a protective & go to work.

For a damage it takes from bloodcrave , it is a healthy minus from a monster who has excessive force .

Pumpking is basically terrordragon 2.0. As a limited mon it’s expected to be more dynamic than terror even though their uses are similar.

If you have both the only reason you would use terror over pumpkin is for its SS. Apart from that, pumpking offers more and secures kills more easily with its SS.

Terror has 100 sec massacre, pumpkin’s is 200 seconds.

I like that devs keep terror’s massecre unique to him.

Oh. So terror still has the best poison massacre in the game. :ok_hand:

I don’t understand the point of venom power anyway. There are hardly any positives in going through HG since poison tick normally does it for you. The excessive power is pretty unnecessary.

Yeah I agree the buff is a bit weird and small. However, it is great for PvE and it does mean bloodcrave can actually get charged from poison eater. I reckon the main benefit is on the solo bloodcrave giving a guaranteed kill without the enemy needing to be poisoned.