Update specail and rare gem

Timberlord is pretty cool for throw teams. I might add Chrome if I get him.

Astrogolem instant kill token and trigger double rebutrion for Ziberius

As a newer player, is the old or new egg better to pull from? Is one more helpful Pge vs pvp. Or if certain key ones from the old have been obtained wait for new egg kind of thing? Thx

I have the whole legendary pool of the previous rare egg so itā€™s good they add 8 more i donā€™t have. The hunt begins :new_moon_with_face:

I would say the old was better.

Top tier pvp monsters (ice feng+dusc)
Top tier pve monsters (gold+atra+shiva)

In terms of the new egg

They are mediocre
(Pvp chromea,zib)
(Pve bovoclus-polareon)

Best monster for dungeon
Old bunker
New gryph

You kind of need both for dungeon.

The beat stratgey would consist of
Gryph bunker botanic nova

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Thank god I hatched ice fang a week ago. Ducy and gold tho :pleading_face:

Hopefully they provide more opportunities to get 6ā­ļø Tickets. I donā€™t have Duscy,Atra,Fang, or Gold tail and I want all of them.

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Main takeaways from the egg pool update I see are:

  • no. of legendaries in normal egg increasing from 32 -> 43, lower chance of getting featured (maybe theyā€™ll feature more at once this next year?)
  • Shivadragon now in normal egg, not rare egg
  • Dusicyon, Goldtail and Atrahasis have become shop-only monsters
  • First ones all added to rare egg (except Atra)
  • Gryphking for mortar support and Prismaryx for link holy support, added to both eggs (Botanic removed so no unlocking the combo with Gryph)

So it looks like ultimately they do plan to filter monsters through the eggs until they ultimately end up shop-only. I reckon other ones removed will be added to the shop as well. They havenā€™t added the Pupupa into the egg pool so those will probably become shop monsters.

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Iā€™m so happy almost all good legends that I already got will be exchanged for new ones( got auro,atra,dusci,gold)

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Dude roll now because those monsters are gonna go but the new ones will stay for probably a long time youā€™ll have all the time you want to hatch them but the mons now are going away

Thx for the info! Hatched everything but didnt get any of the top tier you mentioned :pensive: Ended up with 4 SE (bullbrazen, tatanomoth, dueldragoon, torrentiede), 2 Legen (taloknight, midasdragon) 1 Myth (dragulus)

Torrentide is really strong in pve (top SE)and titanomoth is like a better reidragon ,dragulus can be useful in pvp

Sad about Atrahasis, happy about Chromera. Either way, Iā€™m glad they increased the number of legendaries per egg, reduced the chance of dupes and which I am fine with. I hope they make 6 star stars just a little more accessible through more events to be grabbing these shop exclusive mons now since increasing the number of legends in the egg pools reduces the chance of dupes which reduces the chance of getting tickets that way.

This worries me. You would think putting them in the shop makes them more accessible but it doesnā€™t. We can barely buy anything from the shop with the amount of tickets we get. There has got to be another way to get the monsters.

The more monsters that get added to the shop the greater the need to give us more ways to obtain tickets. Or at least feature some of these monsters in events. Iā€™m talking about Super Epics and Bellow.

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Well what I said above is just conjecture. I may just be seeing what I want to see. However, if they are taking the direction of retiring old monsters to the shop then as the shop collection expands we will probably see a rise in the number of tickets we can get from events. I love the idea of playing events for both gems and ticketsā€¦ the former giving us a chance to grab newer monsters from eggs and the latter giving us some guaranteed older monsters of our choice.

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Ya i would be perfect if a ticket were available in every event. Sometimes 2. I could see UC giving a ticket at 1000 and 1500. Or IC at 300 and 500. Or Whales for 300 and 400 finns. Those would all be welcomed and more than reasonable.


Even if they triple the amount of tickets we get it will still be reasonable and we are not being greedy. At the moment the shop is more of a tease than an actual place we can get monsters with hard work. I presume the shop will continue to grow when I say this. So it will continue to get harder to purchase what we want.

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