Ultimate Challenge 27/4 - Arborgias

Happened to me once but i wont lose my ticket

3rd GK is on Lvl 400.

I think Devs are the GK’s xD

Gatekeeper 2


I have seen lordzard and ultrazard, a fanclub or just Zard changing name?

Definitely a fan club

not sure why, but that ultrazard guy looks really freaking sexy

I prefer F2P Arash.

Damn…finaly a UC i can play without crying! Lol, i like this one,no heavy buffs up to 120. Gonna try to make it to (my) first GK. Last biters are awsome.

Terragar is also present at GK2

Probably a fanclub. Lol

This gives a ton of gems now. 15 gems and 1 fight away from 3rd gatekeeper.

Any idea where the next gatekeeper after 400?

3rd Gatekeeper


Why are the gatekeeper monsters so highly buffed.
Like a reckless attack from rynobrawl/puffoxin is enough to kill my chronozeros.

#Fan club zard

Encountered second time around

Really great event, fair spacing of gate keepers too. Ultimate challenge is the best event we’d like it more often

Gatekeeper 4


lol what is your real account? Probably you can make a clan of players who use your name.

My real account is F2P Zard

First time to beat GK3 :laughing: