My UC rant

Ok, so here is my rant about the UC. 

I think its completely ridiculous that unless you have Emerald, goldtail, polareon and what one or two other special legendries you don’t really stand a chance of making it very high.  Look I get that you want your paying base to do better than your F2P base.  I am a paying base.  I spent 600 on the anniversary and I didn’t get any of the 3 above or one that would necessarily get me past the 2nd gatekeeper.  heaven I am having a hard time getting two the 1st.  Every team I face seems to perfectly counter my team every time.  I have also spent maybe more than 1k on this game (ugh) but I didn’t know at that time I couldn’t get these amazing legendaries, had I known I would have saved my money for when I could.  But there comes to a point that spending more becomes a bit ridiculous… Look these legendaries are a lot better yes, but making them impossible to get except once a year is also ridiculous.  How about making the chances smaller than a regular legendary to get but at least give us a chance… or change the way UC is done.  There is a point where strategy wont get you anywhere, only money… And even then Money wont get you anywhere either if you don’t but at the right time and don’t know that…  

Having alot of legendaries out of paying atfirst is exciting, but when times passes it fades. Thats why some players tend to sell their account with alot of legendaries but actually will never compensate for what theyv spent. Although i understand you, UC is an event which requires some specific monsters and strategies to climb up, and its hard to do so IF you know yourself that you and your team has ITS LIMITS. And what you have can be rewarded depending on your points, so if i wer you mate just chill. This is just my opinion… peace out

Yes, im barely touch this game cause of that.
This game is just for entertaiment purpose only, this is not collection monster game “impossible” to collect em all.
Im enough now with my non spender tittle.
Lucky im not blindly spends on gems because my fortune is bad on this game.

Ok, so here is my rant about the UC. 

I think its completely ridiculous that unless you have Emerald, goldtail, polareon and what one or two other special legendries you don’t really stand a chance of making it very high.  Look I get that you want your paying base to do better than your F2P base.  I am a paying base.  I spent 600 on the anniversary and I didn’t get any of the 3 above or one that would necessarily get me past the 2nd gatekeeper.  heaven I am having a hard time getting two the 1st.  Every team I face seems to perfectly counter my team every time.  I have also spent maybe more than 1k on this game (ugh) but I didn’t know at that time I couldn’t get these amazing legendaries, had I known I would have saved my money for when I could.  But there comes to a point that spending more becomes a bit ridiculous… Look these legendaries are a lot better yes, but making them impossible to get except once a year is also ridiculous.  How about making the chances smaller than a regular legendary to get but at least give us a chance… or change the way UC is done.  There is a point where strategy wont get you anywhere, only money… And even then Money wont get you anywhere either if you don’t but at the right time and don’t know that…  

Without the mons you mentioned I can go as far as 299 floor. Before revival nerfed I can go to 399. Yeah, it’s a very limiting event, but it is what it is. Well, at least in PVP any of our monster can still be useful, which is the main fun for me.

I am a F2P player…
& doesnt have a good legendary
But still i can manage to go higher levels… probably highest enough is 3rd GK w/ revive/copy buffs.
Now I still can manage w/o the help of those buffed monsters…
Some of low star monster is useful
to counter opponents team…
This game requires not only cash but you have to insert a strategy perseverance & patience… thats what ive learned in 5months of playing… Honestly I am not good in PVP but I can manage UC far better than PVP… this is just my oppinion…
Cheers :smile: (drunk)
Trying to get past Level 291 :sweat_smile:

close of 2nd gatekeeper now with only SS and megabombs, it´s possible to climb to decent levels without those mentioned legendaries just have to tinker around not everyone does enjoy that.

you won´t be getting to crazy high ranks but what´s the point I assume the gatekeepers are the most important part because of the  extra gems.

At 1st gatekeeper with the team I told you julong.

first gatekeeper is kinda free.

Agree, beat it first try.

Although if they bring back revival strat then 1st gatekeeper is a good roadblock for it.

What team?

How long is it exactly before the super epics bombers stop one shotting?

It is possible to go upto 400 without the monsters he mentioned or revive buff, but only other way I see is through Cosmo/nebel death revenge legendaries or/and bovo/soulstealer. But just increasing the number of working legendary wouldn’t be enough to prove his point less valid.

And the topic currently is UC not PvP so please miss stick to it.

Ok, so here is my rant about the UC.

I think its completely ridiculous that unless you have Emerald, goldtail, polareon and what one or two other special legendries you don’t really stand a chance of making it very high. Look I get that you want your paying base to do better than your F2P base. I am a paying base. I spent 600 on the anniversary and I didn’t get any of the 3 above or one that would necessarily get me past the 2nd gatekeeper. heaven I am having a hard time getting two the 1st. Every team I face seems to perfectly counter my team every time. I have also spent maybe more than 1k on this game (ugh) but I didn’t know at that time I couldn’t get these amazing legendaries, had I known I would have saved my money for when I could. But there comes to a point that spending more becomes a bit ridiculous… Look these legendaries are a lot better yes, but making them impossible to get except once a year is also ridiculous. How about making the chances smaller than a regular legendary to get but at least give us a chance… or change the way UC is done. There is a point where strategy wont get you anywhere, only money… And even then Money wont get you anywhere either if you don’t but at the right time and don’t know that…

Well I exactly think the same, if having them is this ridiculously important then either sell one of emer/pola at a very high rate I.e 200-500 gems for a single egg which contains one of those two or at least have them show up in eggs more times then they already do.

I´m still waiting for something like that, flash sales of monsters to buy them directly with gems/rare gems or whatever.

Yes I can see my self spending money again if I know I wlll get useful stuff.  As it stands I am just currently getting dupes over and over.  So I don’t see myself really spending more unless things change.

Yeh after not receiving anything that scales for UC with the 7 legendaries (well, one dupe) I got and not even having much luck spending some money on the anniversary event either, I’m just too vary. For all I know I could spend a thousand bucks and not receive one of the necessary legends for climbing. I like supporting games when they feel fair, and although this game is clearly p2w I still was excited to see what I can do without spending much. I love Island Challenge for instance which I always managed to get 300+ in. It just kinda sucks that the one event where I could actually accumulate a decent number of gems is this Ultimate Challenge but I cannot possibly get to the Gatekeepers because the legends I got happen to be of little use for it. Meanwhile those who are able to compete at the top of UC snowball even harder in comparison.