
I don’t know how realistic this is, but I think that trading would be a really cool feature that could be added to the game. This way, people could trade for OM arks that came out before they started playing. Also, maybe trading can be incentivized through having certain arks evolving only through trade (much like pokemon). Afterall, from what I’ve been reading in this forum, If you dont have a shadowstalker, you are pretty much done for in any pvp rank above rookie.

Someone’s going to mention or link to Wonder Trading. And since I don’t exactly… endorse Wonder Trading, I mostly avoid referring to it.


  1. People refer to it any way

  2. People seem to support it 

  3. It’s most likely to be implemented if the idea of trading got accepted

  4. It’s better than no trading at all


I don’t know how realistic this is, but I think that trading would be a really cool feature that could be added to the game. This way, people could trade for OM arks that came out before they started playing. Also, maybe trading can be incentivized through having certain arks evolving only through trade (much like pokemon). Afterall, from what I’ve been reading in this forum, If you dont have a shadowstalker, you are pretty much done for in any pvp rank above rookie.

Also, all OM arks are going to be released at the end of the season so there’s no point in trading

One word for the 10000th time : NO

I’m not even sure why everyone is so opposed to straight out trading. Almost all multiplayer games i play(ed) has/had straight out trading. No one really complains.

I believe the biggest problem would be the fact that you could use one account to roll eggs and trade off the good egg only arks you do get to your main account. Hence stacking the deck a little (delete the account after you get your free gold and repeat), that and scamming…

Its because there arent many arks available and beginners would get everything way too fast, not in this stadium of the game ! Its too early

Fair point, but can’t this be avoided by using some sort of IP restriction?

For those who have multiple devices, I suppose it really can’t be helped. However it’s possible to discourage these people by making trading only after you complete the storyline.

As for scamming, this has happened with other games as well, sadly, but there are two ways to handle this and maybe more:

  1. Scammed arks will be recovered manually with proof.

a. You get scammed, you screen the conversation.

b. People with the appropriate power will recover the ark from the scammer.

c. The scammer may be punished.

  1. There will be multiple middle person to manage trade.

a. You give your arks to the middle person. Your trading partner does this as well.

b. The middle person will swap the arks for you.

c. Obviously the middle person will have to be trustworthy and handpicked.

Not many arks available:

People will probably trade for rare or strong arks any way. Maybe you can get a B omegawyrm for an S galey. So it’s not only an ark for an ark but perhaps an ark for an ark with a very good grade. That increases the possibilities of trade.

Beginners will get everything way too fast:

I suggest making trading an end-game feature again. Not many people will take the time to complete the entire game again JUST to trade to themselves. Maybe they will, but it’ll take time and it’ll definitely discourage them. This way beginners will not really have the advantage of trade. That and the fact almost no one will give out a random OM ark or something to a newbie.

Later in the game, this may be possible, however now there is not enough arks. If trading was implemented, then they could just not rerelease event arks and just people could trade for them.

Indeed , its just too early

I agree maybe it should wait, but I think if that issue is solved it can be implemented.

They already sent the update the apple so it wouldn’t be implemented any time soon if that was the case, since it requires a lot of coding… and i don’t know if it requires a server or not. i’m no coder.

but i think they are making more event arks. that ice vulture and the vine giraffe… those weren’t in the files, so that means they’re new. i don’t think trading for event arks will be a problem. people probably won’t say “Hey, I’ll give my destructor for your omegawyrm” but they might say “I’ll give my destructor for your shadowstalker” or something.

^ if that was a bad example, sorry; i don’t know their battle capabilities lol

anyway, what i mean is if they are making new arks they shouldn’t have to rotate at all. so an event ark will be one-time only.

and yes they’ll be released in the wild but i imagine they’d still be rare.

for those who had geomon, think of event arks has rare personas that were awarded when you got a certain amount of recruits or when you guessed the element/name/species of an esper. People would go crazy to trade for it, even though they knew it would be released.

that and the fact that it’s going to be terribly hard to find an S grade event ark in the wild

just saying

I dont hope They added it in the update but i dont think so

Kook… Your a genius… I love this idea… And there always are scammers but like he said someone would have to beat the game to trade so someone couldnt just trade trade and trade but it wouldnt br so easy if you had to beat the game… And yeah alot of games do trading and i dont understand whats with all the negativity with trading, i dont think its that bad

I agree but in the future like jjchen said

Just some of the power levels of the Arks aren’t worth the trade, on top of the fact you can literally get them in game minus the mission arks but that resolves itself at the end of each season

Well in pokemon (oh yes i did) theres trading and you can get every pokemon (ok not true because some where event pokemon and such) but what if someone has a feebas and someone has an eevee or pichu player 1 got lucky and spent 10+ minutes fihing for a feebas and catches it then they evolve it to milotic and breed it and player 2 has an eevee (pretty rare) and breeds it and both players want the other but dont want to farm so they can trade so they both win :slight_smile:
And btw fihing means fishing im to lazy to edit. XD

Ohohohohoh i have an idea, that you cant trade fusions so that eliminates mission arks and omega kami ect

If trading was implemented, it would also give one less reason why people can complain about the fairness of OM missions and/or timing. You don’t have a subzeratops? Trade for it.

Also, I apologize for not doing this earlier, but I moved this thread to the suggestions forum. Sorry for any inconvenience. ^^

Still not in this stage of the game, the game is still very young

^ my thoughts

Everyone’s saying the game is young, and sure it is, but I’m not seeing any disadvantage to implementing trading early on (or at least whenever it can be) so elaborate please? ^^;

A hacker gives rares to everyone, the devs lose profit. That’s the reason why I don’t think this game will ever have trading.

You say that as if they can’t stop the hacker. I’m sure a lot of games with trading has gone through that situation at least once, and while I can’t say anything for them, I don’t think it impacted them so strongly.

By losing profit, do you mean less people will buy gold eggs or something? So add another way to earn profit. I honestly can’t think of any other way the devs are making a profit now than from the app purchases themselves and gold purchases… to buy eggs.

And yeah, let’s face it, almost no one buys tickets with gold. Haha.

Do limited trading. Have three trades for each person, and then them reset on Sunday/Monday. You are able to buy more trades, and if trading is successful, then a lot (and I mean a lot) of people will buy trades, because three trades is not a lot when you really think about it.

Alternatively, give them a trade each day (a 24 hour, in-game countdown) and perhaps this may encourage even more trade buying.

Kudos if you know where I got this idea from.