Tier Legendary Potions

its not an interesting idea? i was looking for best monsters to use legendary potions and i found only discussions with this topic but only for few monsters. If its not a good idea please answer me because I havefull evolved Emeraldeus +4, Godfeather +6, Serapheon, Kamishogun and Nightlord. II dont have Vorabook at the moment but i have Icehide (the water tiger 2 form)

Potions increase speed but that only really matters in the front line as the speed can be a bit odd later in battle
Certain monsters with low tu moves benefit the most from potions as it allows them to spam moves more also it always you to remove your monsters from time strike range
A good expample is the auto posions
They benifit greatly from potions

ah ok…so for you I should wait auto poisons monster for the potions?

Emeraldeus is not a good option? he is really strong for me

It depends on what do you want: make stronger PvE or PvP? For PvP Emeraldus speed is almost irrelevant, but in PvE having faster bloodfury could help a lot.

in PvP i have a frontline with emeraldeus chronozar clioseraph and mossgoliath. I did 57 win in this event and i think I ll arrive iat 60. He helped me a lot of times with chronozar also but if someone kille emeraldeus my team is very weak

I was being a little general but emeral would be great for potions

My emeraldeus is +9. When accelerated bloodfury is 90seconds

I haven’t really used many of my legend pots (not really sure why)

My thoughts are that the following work pretty well, but think those who use them / have these legends might actually know better:

 - Shivadragon (hp sharing / purify on a low TU seem to be excellent to keep your team alive, not to mention stun bomb + crescendo striking a team to death in SOTF)

 - Sleepers - Goldtail / Stormloch/Shadow / Methatarion / Wraithengine (to help you sleep lock a team in UC)

 - Team Turn legends (general speed + GT speed)

 - Ziberius (for FL speed)

 - Midasdragon (fastest GT in the game - even faster on the FL with potions) - 

 - Burnsalot (to reduce time between devour charge and the blast)

 - Soulstealer (Sleep All spam at a low TU is incredible, particularly with his hit rate)

Other good ones:

 - Oniblade (For FL speed + ability to get in an extra shot before everyone wakes)

 - Terrordragon (to speed up Poison Massacre)

 - Autopoisoners - Omega/Tia/Flare (to help get poison touch TU similar / under purify, and get Poison eater further from timestrike range)

 - Shadowyrm/Kamiwyrm (5 pots gets protector killer/sleep killer to a 60s TU, and it’s relatively easy to charge bloothirst)

 - Nightrider (+9 NR and a +9 NH will outspeed a lot of starting lines, particularly if paired with a fast ogre to stealth NR)

 - Last biters (an accelerated last biter on +4/5 - can’t remember which - can outspeed any mons as it comes in for PVE)

 - Gallio (for FL speed and quick double survivors)

 - Emeral (Quick bloodfury quite being untouchable behind a protector)

Those that are almost completely useless to potion:

 - Nebel/Cosmo, Apollo/Talo, Doomengine, Shocking entrance, Cryo/Mysticorn, Dolph, Aurodragon, Doomengine, grovodeus, 

Thank you so much guys for your knowledge :P 

For me PvE is interesting because i can get a lot of rewards, but also on PvP its funny.

So i think i can get another pack with gems of the dungeon and I ll wait if I find someone like Ziberius ( I think is the best monster of the festival)

If I dont find nobody I ll use the potions in Emeraldeus so I ll get more gems from PvE events