Legendary potions

I have 5 legendary potions atm and only two legendaries: Mechaviathan +1 and Cosmodragon +1.
Should I give these potions to them or wait for next (hopefully,because I’m too unlucky in this game) legendary?

Just save it me thinks, because it doesn’t add much to the mon’s move set.


Yeah, I’m saving my legend potions in anticipation of some better legends. Did blow a few more on Flarevern to make him almost immune to timestrike, which of course will definitely have an impact on his performance.

Ok guys thanks

Once you get further into the game, +5 Mecha is important, but only to outspeeds SE TT +9. Until you have a good team for mecha to support, it isn’t worth it. Cosmo/Nebel in general aren’t worth the potions, as it has been tested that the dupes you make won’t get the bonus.