Ticket shop

I think I saw a similar post recently, but couldn’t find it again, so sorry if this is a duplicate. I have just hit 12 tickets and I’m trying to decide who to buy (I no longer have my beginner discount because I bought nebelronix… haha
With the nerf to floc, duscy and goldtail, if I’m not desperate, would it be better to wait and see what limited mons they bring out? Is there a standard timeframe or schedule to follow for shop updates? Keen to hear people’s thoughts.

Dusicyon is still very good for pvp but it’s only a support monster now so only buy it if you can pair it with very strong pvp mons.

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Atrahasis is the best one you can get imo. Works wonders in PvE and can be great in PvP too.


After you arth buy the earth moth its really good it will always get you 1-2 kills

never buy any of the moths because none of them are worth even three legend tickets

Lmfao :rofl:

Buy icefang. It’s best PvP monster in current shop mons

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Thanks for the responses. I have been leaning towards atrahasis. Might give him a run

I use moths with the with the mythic shildi guy forgot its name it’s really good with moths


Well leira is also good

Ya but Atherton is just made for it time warp 100sec less it’s perfect

The most useful thing about Atrahasis is that if you’re fighting opponents with boosted stats like in Ultimate Challenge, if you manage to kill and necromance one of them, it will keep its boosted stats when it’s reborn in your team!

Ye that’s one of best pve. Mons of shop. Even better in PvP

Hey there,
sorry if I necro up a semi-old thread, but I thought it might be quite fitting :sweat_smile:

After getting the valentine’s day egg with 10 tickets, I am as of today’s login bonus only 5k rp away from hitting 12 tickets to buy my second shop monster. My first discounted buy was Goldtail, and that is the reason I am more careful this time around and would be grateful for feedback before buying.

Now, I don’t wanna call Goldtail bad, I actually use it in most scenarios. But the praise that I found in the forum was - I found that out only after I had it - based on a 50TU potent sleep which would be massively better than the 100TU it has now.

Before I get the mandatory “That’s what you get for not picking Dusi first!” (well, to be frank, gimme one or two of those I guess, deserved is deserved), I am very much content with my choice pro pve content (I realize Dusi is not just wasted there, but it seems like a primarily pvp buy to me). I am able to get the pvp rewards and ranking high enough for the rewarded monster with reasonable effort (skipping the highest win amount rewards cause I don’t enjoy that enough) and that is sufficient for me right now.

There are, on the other hand, limits I am hitting in pve that I am zealous to overcome and from what I gathered, Atrahasis should be the strongest choice for me there. Before I jump in again though, I would love to hear if there is anything he needs to work (anything to pair him with) or if I can just no-doubts-instabuy and be happy or if there are other choices that might even be better for my purpose.

TLDR: 2nd shop buy after kinda meh Goldtail first, strongly pve-oriented: Should it be Atrahasis? If so, does he need setup to work?

Thanks in advance for any feedback :smiley:

Based on your explanation, Atrahasis will be the perfect choice for you. He requires barely any setup and works almost in every scenario. His main play is obviously Necromancy which can even revive enemy monsters with buffed stats!

In PvP, swift cannibalize into bloodcrave is great, also you can initiate a powerful entrance passive again with swift cannibalize + necromancy. It’s really something else when you best someone with their own monster(s)!

In PvE you can use him in tandem with Aurodragon for some crazy revives and Shivadragon to keep him off hold ground (Atrahasis does a decent job of that even without help). Just place him near the monsters you want to revive or revive enemy monsters after your sweepers have killed them.


Awesome, thank you :smiley:

Now I’ll just try to wait until tomorrow and hope an easter festival egg hits, so I can stack it up for training with some other new monsters :star_struck:

I will not make another topic so I will write down here. So, with my first purchase I bought atra (being one of my favorite monsters I preferred him instead of dusy). Now I have 17 tickets and idk what to do. I already have solid stun protection for PvP, so idk if I want to buy dusy(is still a beast for PvP, even after the nerf, I know), but what I want to know, it is worth awaiting to get 80 tickets to get my first awaken mythic or should I get dusy or any other monster that I’m not aware of his potential? Any advice will be apreciated.

ductyon no longer works for pvp
better use joacodragon
