A new target for prexis
dragon ball
He looks awesome, great work on that design.
Its designs like this that motivates me to wanna draw even more😚
lmao. its odd that its stun protection because usually they have chunkier designs.
That speed is crazy for that powerful a move with no restriction ngl, use it with bundam in fl and even the tankiest bs just insta dies. Also i really love the look of it. It being a stunabsorber is an added bonus
Also a sidenote, kinda wish it had some form of a blood move instead of herbicide, even if bloodthirst, instant s tier
That design is straight . Also a new robotic monster that can be used with Rhinotitan. Might have to make some time to earn that guy and the rest that will follow…
design wise - awesome
skill wise - new skill - cool
i’m excited if his family (VD) will also have virus skill .
Does she work with the dragon mythic throw all one
ofc. balancion and bovolcus as well.
will be interesting in buffed PvE with Simuronix. also its basically a blood clone killer. Doomengine and Staticsphere gonna be sad. :c
actually no static gonna be fine cus can only be used in mons over 50% hp! (thx squinty lol).