The issue with Revenarchion

First off, this isn’t a nerf Reven thread. Honestly I quite like where he is right now, he’s a very sticky sweeper and requires a lot of attention to deal with, which is kind of how he should be. 


Right now he is only as strong as he is because of a bug. The shield entrance / poison interaction is messed up at the moment, sometimes the poison damage will remove the shield, sometimes it won’t.  Now while I like it being slightly difficult to get rid of the egg (it shouldn’t be able to be poison touched to death for example) what I do find annoying is the lack of consistency. It’s very difficult to kill something if you have to guess whether the attack will hit or not. 

So my question is should reven be buffed if this bug is fixed? I honestly can’t make my mind up. I feel like it would still be very good but it would certainly lose some power since poison is so prevalent in the midgame.

But then that’s what this forum is for, to spew my ideas and get yours in return. 


I think the last thing it needs is a buff. It’s extremely powerful as it is. Buffing it will break it

No need to buff or nerf, it is as it is. :slight_smile:

He is right in what he is saying though. Poison should remove his shield but sometimes it does and you can kill it straight away. Other times it still has shield. That needs fixing

There is a 100 times higher probability that a different attack is likely to occur than the probability of receiving a poison touch for the first time at the timing of the egg.

Assuming all such special cases, all monsters will need buffs.

And what is required a lot of attention to deal with is rather your opponent.

To completely eliminate Revenarchion, your opponent need to hit several times and do not think that you will let your other monsters rest.

To completely eliminate Revenarchion, you need to hit several times and do not think that you will let other monsters rest.

In order to completely eliminate Revenarchion, you need to hit several times and it is normal for your other monsters to remain silent.

In order to completely eliminate Revenarchion, you need to hit several times and it is normal for your other monsters to remain silent.

Best counter is knockback.

Do u guys know how to kill Revenarchion.I am at level 75 and I struged hard to win over that monster… with the help of a last biter😓
Do u guys know how to kill Revenarchion.I am at level 75 and I struged hard to win over that monster… with the help of a last biter😓

Poison does break his shield if you give it a turn to do damage. that is for certain. The uncertain piece is that sometimes a poison revenge will immediately break his shield and sometimes it won’t. It probably has to do with TU before the next turn, but the OP is correct that the game doesn’t really tell you, and therefore it is a guessing game. That is what should be fixed.