The hunt for Dragon Hatchlings as end-game content.

Since I’ve finished playing through the story-line of this fantastic game I’ve been focussing on completing the arkadion collection. 

And as I was sitting there, mass-murdering Bluchicks for hours like so many of us I was thinking.

What’s the point of playing through the game, building up a strong team, developing fighting strategies and fighting tough bosses if it’s only to end up back where you started killing lvl 2 birds?? Most of the players that have tried at one point to get those hatchlings must understand the frustration of having those super evolved Arkadions in the team and dealing 42 damage to boring little birds.

Surely there can be a more interesting way to incorporate the hunt for hatchlings (and ultimately the omegawyrm) in the end-game playable content while still making it a challenge worthy of a 12 star dragon? 

Something that I was thinking about (it can be tweaked around a lot to make it balanced) was having those re-spawning dragon super bosses that when beaten would give one a certain chance of stealing a hatchling from there brood. 

The encounters could be either scattered randomly across the world map on certain types of terrain (depending on the dragon type) or at certain lvls of the infinite dungeon. 

Maybe a similar system could be conceived for the starter Arkadions.

My aim with such a system would be to still make the catching of hatchlings a challenge, but not of the mindless, “one square camping” kind, and also have it make somewhat more sense from a RP perspective than 4 types of hatchlings sitting right next to the other on a road.

Please discuss, comment or critique those ideas :slight_smile:

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Honestly?..I like it.

It would be better than hunting.

…although I get all my hatchlings and starters through eggs (for those of you who don’t know me, I do NOT pay to play).

But I still farm for S Frostjacks ad Cherubs, so I can relate…sorta…well…barely.

Anyways, I do agree that it should be more interesting.

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Well making it more interesting is what I was trying to get to Tiberius. Don’t get me wrong I’m most definitively not saying that it should be easier. I find it absolutely normal than getting the hatchlings (or the starters) is time consuming.

I just find it quite terrible that it’s just a very long, monotonous, luck based process when it could be one of those things you look forward to do as soon as you’ve finished playing through the story because it’s fun and interesting (like the rest of the game).

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Of course. There’s no fun at all without a challenge. :wink:

And yeah, I get what you mean.

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The least they could do is let it drop from anywhere, so you can level at the same time while grinding for them. Like you say, right now there is no fun AT ALL in farming for them. It’ll probably make the majority quit the game in frustration and boredom.

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This is quite interesting, I agree! But… are you saying the hatchlings will still be a low level when they are “summoned”? Because if they aren’t, that’ll take away the challenge of us even evolving them, and if they are, how are we supposed to catch it if we can’t deal damage to it?

There are some people who dislike having a % that is not 100%. I would much prefer to have a 100%, and I see people saying that even they miss a 97% catch rate. More interesting in this case but probably more frustrating as well.

Another topic I want to bring up: I got two galeys when my highest was lvl 20-25. Who says you need to complete the game or have high levels before you can farm?

And @Laydown’s point about the majority quitting the game, it’s their choice. It’s not like you will lose and fail at the game if you don’t have seven arkadions. You can make a perfect run through of the game without catching dragonlings or starters, catchings other things like pearex, lavaraptor, etc etc; these are easier to get.

I apologize if I misunderstood :>

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I’m not really sure that would be a good thing Laydown. What i’m suggesting is to make the hunting of hatchlings challenging but also something you can look forward to because it’s fun in itself. 

Making it spawn anywhere still makes it a radom, luck based event that isn’t really worthy of such great arkadions. 

EDIT for the answer written by Kookaset:

The way I imagined things, the hatchling you get through this alternative should most definitively be low lvl and still in the first evolution form. Because you’d try (that’s where the % of success could be added) to steal an egg away from a dragon parent (that’s the boss you have to defeat).

And I’d also like to point out, if this was implemented into the game, it would’t mean that people could’t try and get the hatchlings before finishing the game through the means that are available today.

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Oh! Well, if it’s added and not replacing, I see. ^^ I would definitely try it out.

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[quote name=“TarPalantir” post=“10452” timestamp=“1385311796”]
Since I’ve finished playing through the story-line of this fantastic game I’ve been focussing on completing the arkadion collection.

And as I was sitting there, mass-murdering Bluchicks for hours like so many of us I was thinking.

What’s the point of playing through the game, building up a strong team, developing fighting strategies and fighting tough bosses if it’s only to end up back where you started killing lvl 2 birds?? Most of the players that have tried at one point to get those hatchlings must understand the frustration of having those super evolved Arkadions in the team and dealing 42 damage to boring little birds.

Surely there can be a more interesting way to incorporate the hunt for hatchlings (and ultimately the omegawyrm) in the end-game playable content while still making it a challenge worthy of a 12 star dragon?

Something that I was thinking about (it can be tweaked around a lot to make it balanced) was having those re-spawning dragon super bosses that when beaten would give one a certain chance of stealing a hatchling from there brood.
The encounters could be either scattered randomly across the world map on certain types of terrain (depending on the dragon type) or at certain lvls of the infinite dungeon.

Maybe a similar system could be conceived for the starter Arkadions.

My aim with such a system would be to still make the catching of hatchlings a challenge, but not of the mindless, “one square camping” kind, and also have it make somewhat more sense from a RP perspective than 4 types of hatchlings sitting right next to the other on a road.

Please discuss, comment or critique those ideas :-)[/quote]I like this it makes perfect sense

this is the best thing that I’ve heard yet. Its a really good suggestion the mods should really think about this

MOD EDIT: let’s avoid double posting, yeah?

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Seconding this as a good idea

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Very good idea. I spent 2 days trying to get my first hatchling for it to escape on 97%. Now on day 4 of farming and only got 2

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Please don’t misunderstand me, while I do understand the frustration those of us feel after fruitless days of farming for hatchlings or starters, I am most certainly not suggesting it should be made “easier”. 

What I was trying to say is that in my opinion, the hunt for hatchlings isn’t meeting its full potential in terms of fun and value as end game content. What I see as the issue isn’t the time consuming aspect of the hunt, but the plain “boringness” of it and the incoherence with the rest of the game.

Even the alternative I suggested isn’t that important to me, most of of all I wanted to have a discussion about the fundamental aspect, the place the hatchlings and the starters have in the game and how we get to find them. 

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well, i was also wondering “thats it?”

i would like to see something besides the story line. the implementation of another way to get hatchlings/starters would be great. you could make a dungeon or something with a boss. and as an reward you could give away some kind of golden egg that has a low probability to contain a hatchling.

i remember playing FF VII… great ol days… ^^

still, there were those bosses calles “weapons”… some of them were a real challange and one was only beatable if you either leveled a lot, had veeery good strategy or got extremly lucky. i would really like to see something like such bosses spawning around the world map after completing the main story. (perhaps those could be the dungeon bosses i mentioned above :wink: )

right now, if i remember it right, there is a 0.5% probability to get a starter/hatchling to appear and each of those piles has a counter that grants you a rare spawn when hitting 2000 (for those who are really unlucky) and it resets when a rare ark spawned. would be nice if something like this would also be added for any other solution of getting those rare arks.

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I totally agree with this idea

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My only objection to this is that the hunt for hatchlings and starters were not designed to be “end game” content. A player could just as easily farm these at the start of a save file and use them to progress through the game. While i agree that making something similar end game content would be a very fun and interesting addition to the game, that is not what the hatchlings and starters were ever meant to be considered. You do not have to beat the game to farm for them, nor do you have to have them to beat anything other than the 100% completion or realistically be at all competitive in PVP. 

If they wanted to make a change to the hatchling/starter acquisition i dont necessarily feel that making them an “end game” encounter is necessarily the right move. Rather they could use such a system to introduce new Arks in future, or else to give players access to the OM Arks that only a fraction of players are getting currently. 

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Maybe in an event or something, but if its af fixed envounter that will always drop hatchling (and maybe S ranked) then everyone will be swarming with omegawyrm and take out its exclusiveness.

I’d say yes for the extra superbosses

But i’d have to say no for fixed hatchling drop from this superbosses

Let’s make this around: the superbosses will drop gold egg that contain hatchling and starter, and these superbosses will reset every week/every 3 days, so if somenpone doesn’t like grinding in a same spot, they could beat the superbosses > try get from gold egg > if not get, wait for timer to run out in which you can fight again > fight again the superbosses, rinse and repeat. Each superbossen’s gold egg will contain 1 element of dragon and starter, so there will be 4 superbosses, maybe to differentiate from gold egg they cam be dubbed dragon egg with the same colour as normal mission egg and they WON’T contain uber ark like vegitiger and infernowyrm or the likes

Another suggestion is, having a superbosses that is repeatable fight that is unlocked after ypu get all the wyrms in which the boss locked by 4 elemental guardian, to fight each guardian, you will need to bring hatchling + starter of the same element or their fusion, I think this will be a good end game content

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You can always get hatchlings in that first egg you get. The red/blue one. It’s encouraged to try to get one, actually.

There are plenty of other arkadions to catch as well. It’s not necessary to get a hatchling to progress through the game. Yes, they are good, but not so good that you HAVE to have one to progress. That would just be silly, and would make a lot of people quit or at least very unhappy.

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Perhaps instead of 1 of the wyrms per fight, it would be 2 of the same ones, but are stronger than level 99 to make things still challenging.

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For end game content they should add a second island with new arkadions and a new story line

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They could add a story about how that king survived and founded a new island where he rules and becomes corrupt with power.

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