Terrordragon - the worst legendary monster?

Today i finally ultra-evolve my Biledragon to Terrordragon and I very disappointed. His skills is unfunny joke.

  • Ultradusk

  • Poison Gas

  • Poison Burst ( more dmg to 1 opponent for every poisoned teammate)

  • Poison Massacre

Poison Burst is a totally crap. When all of my teammates are poisoned and I hit for example Pegassiah (Terrordragon is strong versus lux), I will not take him even 50% hp! It was a drama. Why could not they give him double poison eater for example? And why he doesn’t have any passive skill? In my opinion - Terrordragon is the worst legendary monster I ever sean. What do you think about him? Is he useful?

by far not the worst legendary. poison monsters seem to b on the rise.
him and banedragon would work well together

legendary posion massacre is really strong. I’d love to have him for my poison team

I keep telling people don’t use UC to test monsters and don’t use posion in the UC it will do nothing

I have Bane and Flave, using them with a poison massacre se and zephy, would love to have him to replace the super epic, low time unit poison massacre from a legend is really powerful

Well, Bane does significant damage until lvl 80, and i revived an enemy bane who absolutely destroyed everything :smiley: but yeah, in general, poison isnt that helpful in UC

yes, thats absolutely crazy how “much” damage poison does in the UC :joy: well… dreamhunt seems to be the powerfullest move, am i right? So i think, a sleep team is the only way to get high in the UC, althoug the enemies are using poison teams rly often

sleep/dreamhunt is deff the way to go.

In UC the only viable options are sleep and bloodfury.

That being said terrordragon is far from being the worst legend, in fact he’s actually one of the better ones.

They should really modify the way poison works in buffed events… Like giving it an exponential growth starting from a buffed healthpool. Like 6k was max before and everything buffed over that gets alot more dmg from poison. At least poison would be viable that way.

And besides telling people not to judge a monster by buffed events is kinda contradicting in itself. How else will you judge it? By the nonexistent PVP? By non-buffed events? Both don’t exist( and only happen maybe 1 a month so far) so the only way to judge a monster is by the way it performs in what is there. After all everyone wanna have a blast in these events but most won’t with poison legendaries.

Currently all poison monsters won’t get you far in any event except pvp and there they are somewhat balanced. However i would also say terrordragon is not the worst possible legendary still think talosquire and his legendary form are far worse.

As i said, it depends, bane still does a good job for me, and i’m at 101 in UC currently. He does about 2.5 of the damage that flave deals with single poison eater. Of course a single poison team wont bring you anywhere but i think the newer poison legends including terrordragon are quite good and not all of them are useless in the events.

Poison maaaacree 100 TU, u re no idea it seems​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

Many guys just like replacing “do NOT” by “must” when they see advice.