Stop saying that Hordes monsters "are not any stronger than yours"!

It’s clear as day that they are buffed, why do you advertise otherwise?!

All the enemy monsters stats should be the same as yours.
They are not buffed.

Please let us know if you found some battles weird.

Some 1st form se and even some epics survived a protector killer from my Shadowyrm. Others survived a Zhulong sneak attack or a Terrordragon poison massacre (4x poisons).

Some also survived Tiamaz’s and Banedragon poison eaters. All unevolved.

Not sure if it still happens, but i did see before unevolved monsters that are buffed where they shouldnt be (i aint playing much evets now so cant tell if it still happens).

Maybe it havnt been fixed?

What level? Rookie to extreme?

To me happened in the first 2 levels. I’m playing the 3rd one now.

I’m only gonna do the third anyway. Just for ocarino. Hopefully they won’t survive raizen and oak enslaught

Oh dear god. I just saw a dullakhan and nilos survive raizen tsd that would have decimated most legends. Oh and by survive I mean barely take damage!

I just assumed they were always buffed and that’s what made each set of levels more difficult.

Same priblem since the first hordes event.

On extreme the link holy bear on 1st form survived a poison massacre from terror with around 40%hp so yeah he was buffed

After the dev’s reply I thought I was the only one for a moment. Now no offense to the devs, but do you guys even test this stuff?

Back to the topic, I have no issue with fighting buffed monsters in this event, but do you mind correcting that statement?

I agree. It makes sense that they would get a buff at higher levels but say they’re buffed.

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Actually, only the non-fully-evolved monsters are buffed, so it is an everlasting bug as we did report it several times.

So unevolved monsters are actually stronger than evolved ones in this event. Weird.

1st level and baby forms monsters survive 2 aoe from blightwyrm and gallio and some live after my nox’s assisted aoe, man oh man

Yea I’ve noticed some are buffed and f you k kick them back they unbuff. So the buffs seem to be inconsistnent

I see.
Much appreciate for the feedback.
We will look into this issue.

Tip: check the status of earlier forms of high defense monsters (epic or above).

The epic heal/give turners always have crazy defense as well.