
What does everyone think of steamhawk? The good combo of unwanted enterance --> repulse --> bloodthirst aside, I didn’t expect him to have life-flip all. It could work really well with gaiawolf, and aegis. It could even help set up night-night much more quickly. Overall, I think he’s an above-average SE. (especially compared to the dumpsterfire that is ogremaster.)

I think he is a really cool monster because he can set up bloodcrave easily and you can let the bronzeshell do his work while you kill the other three monsters. So, it’s like you fight against three mons and instead of four

Wait until you discover Unwanted Frienders, they’ll blow your mind.

In pvp you will never know how fast lineup can be sweept.
What i can say now is this one is not very good unless you dont have good monster.
Even ogre is better since he he can one shoot superepic protector except water one

I haven’t got one yet :frowning: i’d love to hatch one in the next 10 in 1 eggs

I won’t use him since I have motordragon but still pretty decent monster.

Funny, just used the Hank and his bronzeshells dont use life flip XD

To me he seems too slow if you look at his defense… Before he can do something he is gone… In pve he could be useful… I want to try him in pvp… but it seems like he will gain the name dead chicken… Brother of death chicken :smiley:

Can someone post a foto of his skills and stats I don’t have him ultraevo yet

I think this one should be Iron Chicken.

In case hes useless maybe tin chicken :smiley:

it’s good but not too damn good

he gets life flip all

Thanks Snuffy

all g

I guess for dungeon challenge he could be nice to set up your desperate doublets so that move isn’t totally useless.