
Staticsphere is a great monster, I’ll start with that. But he basically has two moves you use for him every time, which sucks because he has a great design. You basically want to use blood clone and then taunt, maybe the once a battle element accelerate if they somehow manage to survive long enough and you’re using link storm with him. And maybe the odd energy charge if you have a static or two already taunting or have the enemy very stunned.

I’m proposing something very simple as a minor change/buff to him, give him energy charge ally, 100tu, no healing on it, so he can be used in niche teams with deo or other charge monsters or charge his clone.

My other potential idea (not so sure about this one, so I’m putting it here for feedback) was to change elemental accelerate to either iron wall (give him tanking ability, also would go hand in hand with charge ally), or purifying stealth ally.

Obviously static is great and useful, I’d just like to see a wee bit more variety in what he can do! I’d love to hear all your feedback, positive and negative alike


Thing is elem accelerate suggests that he’s supposed to be put in a link storm team, but aside from Aurelius, I don’t believe there’s any other charge monsters that are electric(can only think of deo, wolf and blazebones)

Right, so my 1st suggestion was to give iron wall (or some self support move) AND charge ally, my second suggestion was to give purifying stealth and charge ally

I’d like to see Taunt made 50TU or 70TU, similar to Cosmo/Nebel. This way you could get the two moves done faster if you’re able to taunt first rather than clone.

However, you’re very right that the rest of the moveset is underutilised. It would be very nice to use one of the other three moves at some point.

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Why would you use staticsphere element accelerate with a link earth team?

In all seriousness, staticsphere is fine. I actually use him in PvP just ask @Zardecil

Oops fixed that :joy:. I use him in pvp too and he’s great, i just would like to see him have a more fun moveset. Not for the sake of buffing him but so he’s more than clone taunt repeat. Maybe I’m missing something tho :tipping_hand_man:t2:

I prefer to increase its speed like the fire taunter and change its ss to sth else.
Or give it stun counter!!!

I’m sorry if I revive this thread but I want to talk about him.

Why dev hate this monster?

@ 8 cost, Impossible to use

@13 cost you finally have Taunt but still his revenge is not worth it

@16 cost ok now he can duplicate and we can use it but COST IS TOO HIGH

Why (for exemple) Timberlord can ‘throw all 2’ times @ 13 and this monster need 16 to do the same kind of damage?

What do you think guys to replace blood clone next (to use once) instead of ELEM accel

so we give him taunt @8 and blood clone @ 13 cost? Then change the secret skill to ELEM accel or something else?

Static is one of the most annoying monsters in the game. They buffed his revenge passive to the point where you die from two explosions. Taunt might as well be a protect move but it doesn’t suffer from the protect nerf weakness that is Twiggy.

Combining static with a monster like Auro and the aggressive entrance Dino makes it a pain in the ■■■. Also it is horrible facing it in PvE when it’s buffed.

This monster is more than strong enough.


I’m not talking about buffing at all !!!

I’m talking about cost too high respect to other legendaries so I propose to keep same moveset but the order of acquiring changed.

I have to agree with Saitama that Staticsphere has been buffed enough that it is now worthy of the team cost.

It’s annoying that it needs to be both evolved and have the SS on but since the taunt and cloning are such crucial parts of the moveset if they were not the bits added by evolving and SS then people would never add them.

Lowering the cost would be a buff. We must keep this hellspawn away from a further buff with all costs! (pun intended)

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Whoa there. I still want static to get a side grade from elemental accelerate such as iron wall, or another charge based move. Or his charge move to become charge teammate. That wouldn’t be as much of a buff as a different way to use him

I feel like Static was purposefully made to annoy players. It serves only one purpose as in blood clone next and explosive revenge and the devs confirmed it when they decided to make static one of the most annoying monsters to face in PvE because they can just put multiple of them in one team.

It could be a good idea to work in some more reasonable supporting moves but then the monster would need a rework because it would offer too much. The passive is just too powerful. I also hate Flocculasaurus for that obnoxious aggressive entrance.


Yeah like floor 500(I think) in 2 Super Challenge ago there was a gatekeeper which had 6(or 4 idk) staticsphere that are buffed.I passed them with chronotitan bombs but I must say that idk how other ppl did it.That was purely to annoy ppl in Pve lol.


Yeah that was super annoying to face. Luckily only 2 (or so) had the SS.

With all its buffs Staticsphere has become a nightmare to face in PvE… all to make it viable for us in PvP.

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Pretty sure it was eight. Soulstealer and dr made short work of it

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So basically just don’t make static harder to deal with in pve. If it makes it better in pvp and not pve I’m all for it though.

Giving it iron wall wouldn’t change it for pve, and changing elemental accelerate or energy burst for a new move like energy purifying light (70-100tu). That would be very minimal as a change and would completely not affect pve. In fact the AI might opt to use iron wall instead of clone or taunt

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To me the only problem of this monster is the cost…because you use it @ 16 or you don’t use it at all