Speed Up duped?

At first Speed Up was great with the highest level going really fast making it so much quicker to farm ingredients. Now, only a week or so since they added it it feels like the fastest is simply what it used to be before they added it and the other two slower with 1 > being super slow.

What gives devs? You do something good then make it obsolete. :frowning:

wait, what? the speed up battle option still feels faster to me than before the update, which is great!. Are you sure is not a perception thing? Maybe you’re just getting used to it and being a little impatient, that’s not devs’ fault. 

I only play on the 2x as its fast enough

No, it’s definitely slowed down. And the slowest speed was never slow motion style. The top speed used to be super quick wherein you probably wouldn’t even wait 2 seconds for the next turn of either enemy or team mate.

It’s your mind getting use to something
The 1 speed setting was the original
Devs added two slightly faster settings
Your mind adjusted to the fastest setting as the norm no trickery by the devs just your brain tricking you
It’s all about perception

Before u come and say its slower again please go check one of wahab old videos

Honestly it’s not. You can tell by the speed of the monster swaying/pulsing animation.

It’s only been fast for about a week or so. Not long enough for it to ingrain.

Is it really that hard to look and youtube?, can you please go to youtube and stop making an idiot of yourself

Agreed, I actually watched one of the video yesterday and it was the same as 1x speed. You’re just getting used to playing at that speed. I play on 2 x speed as well


So instead of believing me you resort to insults? Chances are I’m more intelligent than any who resorts to calling others stupid when they don’t believe them. I actually commented on a video about the battle being too fast for the viewers to see the moves. It is supposed to be that fast on the 3rd setting.

If this turns into an insult fest I will lock the thread. Just warning everyone.

https://youtu.be/XXDxtQmDpoE is how fast it used to go for me. Tyvm.

@mod,or just remove the insults and punish people who resort to such behaviour? I would like a dev to respond if possible.

lol, what?, that video is x3 :joy::joy:, go see a video before update, i can send u link if u want

Yes it is time 3 and as I said in my opening post x3 has slowed down. And I mentioned it in another post in this thread too.

X1 is a snails pace and like the game is in slowmo. Before x1 was the same speed as before the update. X2 was slightly faster than x1 but now it’s slow. And x3 was super fast as shown in video. Now it’s slow.

Basically all 3 speeds have been made slower than they were when released. I originally liked the x3 speed as it was super fast and made things quicker.

NOW it’s as if they changed x3 to the same speed the game used to play at anyway.

Believe me now or you going to insult me again?

And I’ve seen videos before the update tyvm.

Your brain is now used to x3. So x1 feels way slower then it used to.

Since you have used x3 a ton, your brain thinks it is normal speed now. So it feels slower.

okay, i want u to watch 2 youtube videos at the same time, one with speed x1 after update and one before update, then come here and tell me they are not the same. If u do that i think mods and even devs will give me the right to insult u lol.
X3 speed hasnt changed either, do the same as i said above

maybe Ruziko is experiencing some kind of bug with the speed option, which is worth considering as a possibility :o 

We haven’t touched the speed-up option on our end since the update released.

I’ve been in situations where I play a very fast-paced game and move to a slower one and feel like everything is in slow motion.

A bug could be feasible, though. Any idea when it first started popping up?

You blame the devs for your brain, either you are not very bright or a child. There is no and I mean absolutely no reason why the devs would have slowed this down. If you want to check similar situations with your brain go juggle a medicine ball let’s say 3x20 times and then try to juggle a normal football/soccer ball 3x20 times. You will see the normal football feels like a foam ball. Tadaaaa that’s your brain.