Is the game speeding up?

Ok, maybe I’m just going crazy. But I feel like suddenly everything’s moving a little faster than usual in battle. Just, kind of like it’s a video on 1.2x speed or something. Anyone else getting this?

You okay? Should lay off those drugs man…

Hehe, I don’t see any difference of speed in my battles.

Stop drinking dude :smiley:

Sometimes it speeds up a bit and sometimes quite normal, maybe due to server connections

I had the exact same impression at the end of the island event. And I’m not on drugs or booze. Felt great !

it’s true game is definitely moving faster. I realized this when rerunning the fruit event over n over. there’s this annoying poison revenge shit in the frontline and it hurts my feelings every time I have to wait for poison damage to hit but this time around I barely noticed that I was waiting for poison damage. I reckon they added some hardware to the servers for PvP purposes which automatically speeded up the rest as well.

If it is speeding up then its a good thing rather than slooowing down or the worst cannot connect to server bleh! :wink:

Same here. Mine has sped up a little.