Special Egg

Quick question - what are the odds of getting a legendary (or one of the four stated) under a special egg, compared to a festival egg? Is it worth it or should I wait for the next festival (if I want to get the best chance of getting a legendary)?

I believe the odds r the same as a regular egg.

4% chance (same as normal egg) festival egg is way more (not sure) you should wait for the festival unless you really want the featured mons

So the 4x chance only related to those specific monsters then, with the overall chance of actually getting any legend exactly the same?

The caption seems a bit misleading then. Not technically, but there is clearly an implication there.

Cheers for the responses.

Festival has 6% for a legendary, but your chance for a specific legendary is lower compared to the special egg right now.

From my personal experience I don’t trust the odds they give out.

4 % is about right 100 eggs should be 4 legends atleast which equals 270 €.

So each legendary is about 67,5 € with avg RNG.

See in the list of monster

Oh yeah - never noticed that! Thanks.

I apologize if I sound like a ‘whiner’, but am I the only one who’s a little disappointed that Leogeist and Wraithcaptain aren’t added to the Golden Egg permanently? 


I thought that since they had already had their limited time event, I figured that this time would be permanent. Don’t get me wrong, I greatly appreciate the devs adding several new legendaries to the egg, I’m just not a fan of waiting around 3 or so months, just to have another chance to roll Leo/Wraith.

The ones that have been added to the gold egg are ones that were made to be put in there. There are lots of legends that are there to be limited time only.

I get what you mean though.

So I thought I posted this yesterday, but my post must have not posted right…See below for explanation of odds on Special Eggs:

4% chance to get a legendary egg during Special Egg Events = 1/25

Once you roll the legendary egg during this particular special egg event - with normal odds you have a 1/39 (2.56%) chance of getting the monster you want. However, they raised the odds on 4 of the legendaries by 4x. So if the typical probability without the raised odds is 2.56% then 4x that would be 10.24% chance = 1/10.

Since you need to get the 4% chance of landing on legendary first AND THEN you need to get the exact legendary you want you need to use INDEPENDENT EVENT PROBABILITY to determine your chances of getting the exact legendary you want. See Example below.

You want Leogist, so below is your chances of getting exactly him:

1/25 x 1/10 = 1/250 chance = 0.4% chance per egg attempt of getting Leogist…

Soo, the short version is this:

If you want to get an EXACT monster from one of the special egg monsters that has the higher chance your odds are 1 out of 250 eggs.

If you want to get ANY OF THE FOUR special egg monsters that have the higher chance your odds are 1 out of 106 eggs.

BTW during this event I have rolled exactly 100 eggs and 2 rare gems rolls…

4 legendaries including Nightrider - thats 4% exactly on legendaries and 1% on higher odds monster

2 for 2 on Rare Gem spins (lucky me!)

Hope this helps everyone.


No exact rate for this egg, make sure you wash your hand before pressing “hatch” there :joy::joy:

So your telling me there is a chance! Lol

Just a note for this who already have a lot of legends. I barely spin festivals anymore as the chance for dupes is extremely high. Special eggs, especially those with multiple monsters offset the odds quite a bit and I’ve been much more successful in those since about my 20th legend.

I’ll give you tree fiddy