Seriously? AI can still send its motordragon back to the reinforcement

Sorry, I don’t know what exactly and actually the current update has fixed.

Wait, so did AI send back motor?

AI don’t go by the rules as it seems,not sure if a glitch or a way to make it harder facing AI

Wouldn’t even bother mentioning it. Bugs will never get fixed in this game. Bugs reported over a year ago still exist

Unfortunately this wasn’t caught before we updated, but will be fixed in the small patch we will be putting out soon to fix the other bugs from the update!

I hope at least you haven’t seen AI knocking back unmovable monsters on your own team?

This bug should at least be confined to sendback ;(

Never seen a winky sad face,must be a glitch

Pull back or ally substitute actually in my cases.

So far, haven’t seen AI knocking back unmovable monsters on my own team.

I’ve had it happen to me once my motor be knocked back haven’t been able to repeat the circumstances though

Not gonna get fixed for a year tho :smiley: