Nightlord Skill Bug?

So I was facing off against Nightlord, the shadow horse legendary with shocking entrance, and I know that his final skill is Sendback. However the one I fought used Pullback instead. I was even using my own Nightlord with Sendback, and there’s no outstanding updates for the app. I even checked afterwards but nothing. Why is it this Nightlord has a different skill?

What? Really? It was probably a bug

Maybe some other monster did that,its impossible because no other player faced this before and devs didn’t changed him on any updates.
I’m sure you did a little mistake,its OK since battle are sometimes hard and we can make a mistake.

F2P Arash

Who knows might be a tease for the new update coming tommorow

That would be sick if the shocking entrances had pullback. 3 shocking entrances worth Blitz thrown in the mix would be a dirty midgame.

Z19 GaryOak

Probably another monster used pull back on nightlord its a common move to stun lock enemys
Those 4 are the only monsters with pull back move iff im not wroung
Hope devs doesnt change sendback to pull back they will become Too OP

Well blitz attacked my while on sleep in UC,Bane put emerald to poison as well although emerald has camp,with dual poison touch,and finally sleep bomb didn’t hit emerald when my monster did it,my glitches so far in UC

Had a lot of sleeping monsters attack me and motor not brining in shells a lot to.motor not bringing in shells Seemed to be more in SOTF though

Alot of glitches this uc
My game froze and suddenly my sleeper jumped to 350 TU (no stun was used)

If pull back will happend god forgive stun aids  teams…One of my strats if geo, balancion, cyber, and switch places…which allows me to stun 4 times…SO if pullback happens RIP

Yup Iit happend 3 times to me…I got a perfect screenshot, where so many things are seen at once…