SCB with only 3 monsters

After the 4 monsters challenge - its time for 3.
You really dont need any more then these 3, and im pretty sure it can be pulled off with only 2 of them :joy:


And people want a buff for Ankouā€¦ Seriously!

AI is stupid, you can win against him with pretty much everything if set up and played right. At PVP ank lacÄ· alot of things to be usefull, and imo he need a slightly speed boost

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Same could be said about doomā€¦ Some legendaries just arenā€™t made for pvp but if they can rock this hard in PvE it means the monster is already powerful enough.

Well done bro.

But in this setup ankou isnt really any better than Cosmo/Nebel. And actually, he doesnt shield his allies upon his death, switch friend, protect. His respawn is also random in other setups, and bloodcrave wont do diddly squat in high buffed PvE where doom still does, and obv DR will until the end.

Top it all off with Ankou being hyped and turns out heā€™s mediocre.

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This shows Ankou where he works well. UC viable too?

I know this video was made a while ago so youā€™ve probably seen it now and regrettedā€¦ but you completely forgot about link death sentence after the first Ankoudragon. Itā€™s actually better in many ways than eternal revenge when youā€™ve got so many Ankouā€™s on your team because you can target specific monsters with link death sentence and leave others alive that consistently kill all your Ankouā€™s on the field. Hence, making this strategy far more reliable!

EDIT: Just logged in and seen there is a new SCB, which is what you made this video playing against. So itā€™s not an old video, my bad!

Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re making this comparison. Nebel and Cosmo must duplicate themselves in order to create a copy. They must get a turn to do this, which is a problem because theyā€™re slow. The shields can help get to this as well as the shields initially helping with Atra and Auro surviving but the AI will frequently use hit all moves which remove the shields then kill the new Nebel/Cosmo with a different monster. It doesnā€™t work with quite the same consistency.

Hereā€™s my attempt with 4 seā€™s


Nebel and cosmo work but ank is better. He doesnt need to duplicate. Just eternal revenge and wait to die. In UC alot of times the shield from nebel/cosmo just get in my way and the enemy dont kill my monsters when i want them to. Plus eternal revenge goes thru shield / HG, a sure kill, and ank is stun immue. Plus every death of ank with auro is 2 anks who keep respawning which is nice, and thr fact they got a kill makes the AI target them.

@Killerdog i dont like death sentence to much tbh as i want them to get a kill quickly to get targeted by AI fast, and get respawned . Never tried only those 3 in UC but it can work i think. I tried with a full DR team as well but nebels / cosmos shield on ank made him survive to long and let him die.

And yea, ank is random in other setups. In this specific setup hes amazing as you know when hes gonna enter (always).

And overall @Exu is right. Some monsters are ment for pve only, but i dont think a limited monster for 300 gems need to. I can win every PVE match with plenty of strategies, i dont need a monster for 300 gems for my PVE matches as im fine without it. If devs want to make a PVE festival thats fine, i wont hatch. But if they put ank next to a pvp god - malwing, and i hatch for pvp monsters only, they both need to work in there. Now no one want a complete rework, just a lil bit of speed boost to work better in pvp, nothing to serious.

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Only reason Iā€™m never gonna use ankou is because I have like 1 million better options that can keep sweeping after 300 sec on the field.


Yeah thatā€™s another good point about Ankoudragon being stun immune. Nebel and Cosmo get completely destroyed by stun!

Getting targeted by the AI is pretty important when youā€™re not fighting super buffed monsters, thatā€™s true. When facing UC monsters I bet you can just rely on a monster or two which is repeating a hit all move. Iā€™d really appreciate it if you could test out Ankoudragon that way in the ā€œtest your teamā€ section against super buffed monsters. Try out using link death sentence and seeing if itā€™s a reliable way to get wins.

This pretty much summarises why people get angry with certain monsters they got. They roll wanting something and later realise it doesnā€™t do what they want or they donā€™t get the exact thing they want. Comparisons between Malwing and Ankou are pointless because theyā€™re so different and the fact itā€™s just been shown how good Ankou is in PvE makes no justification for him getting a buff for PvP. Every new monster we get is an extra tool, whether itā€™s useful for any of our teams at the time or not.

Itā€™s not actually pointless because they were released on the same egg


If you release 2 monsters in the same egg they both need to be on the same level or it will cause people to rage about the game. Ive been on the ā€œbad monster out of the 2ā€ for 2 years and after i hatches triv i just stopped playing - was so mad about this game. Only after his buff i started playing again. Hatching not only the 1 monster you dont want, but a useless one (a PVE monster is useless when youre fine without it) is frustarating.

And btw just to be clear, i use ank at my main pvp team for this time and i like using him, and he work pretty well. But still i find alot of problems with him that makes him hard to use. I do think he need a lil buff for pvp so people will be more happy with him, but i will br fine without it as well - he doesnt have a huge problem like triv had.

Also i tried the 3 monsters team against UC test your team, it doesnt work:

  1. First AOE put all to HG as all are slow, and auro/atra dies fast because of that and yiu end up with 1 or 2 anks which will die from a AOE fast as well.
  2. I faced a DR revenge team and ank doesnt like it.

I meant functionally, not comparing whether they do what you want. In the Ankou vs Malwing egg they are both good monsters in their own right. Malwing is a PvP god and solid PvE monster, Ankou is a PvE combo monster that performs very well under certain conditions. If you want a monster for PvP then clearly one is a good option and one is bad, but that doesnā€™t mean youā€™ve got a useless monster.

Sorry but I find a clear distinction between comparing the power level of two monsters and comparing them because one is good in PvP while the other is good in PvE. Thatā€™s all I was saying. We get some PvP-focused eggs that people can hatch for that but the others are always going to be a mix, even if they focus around a particular theme with the featured monsters.

@TNB_iSegal Thanks for the testing. Itā€™ll definitely need more of a set up than just those three monsters. What Iā€™d do is play around with shields and healing. For example, having the fourth monster as Taloknight or Cosmo/Nebel or possibly Serapheon/Solariel.

Malwing smashes ankou in pvp AND pveā€¦

Yea i played last UC with 5th moji, and then a combination of nebel/cosmo, 2 shockers, and atra, while my FL was auro, talo and ank. With moji spammed and all those shields, auro and atra kept living thru almost all the battle.