
Hi all
Just played the new SCB. Is this a new limited legend as not seen him around?

Yes he is and will be out tommorrow

He seems great. New FL option.

He is awesome. Tested him in battle.

Bunkerbeast is good response to thread about nerfing SS.

I have tried him too. However I feel like by the time he’s loaded up and had 1 shot then reloaded again he may get killed? No HG either…
But about time we had a sleep immy legend.

Instant load after 50 sec of the battle has started,while our good old friend deo still Quick charge in one sec and all is good

I killed him easily using an SS frontline.  Knockback Lava, then stun the entire frontline.  He was dead before he could do anything.

Bunkerbeast is essentially the good version of Sunlord. Not that it was hard to begin with…

bunker + Deo + Dire + oni

hopefully I can get buker

I will pass on him.

Yeah.too bad new sleep immune is another sweeper. If he was support he would have better FL combo.right now that fl you mentioned is one of the most annoying especially in next PvP.
Players have enough time to get him,ulta evolve him and build a new team around it.
Last PvP the third day I face ash in someone team,I’m sure I’ll see this guy too.

F2P Arash

You’re forgetting the 5th monster!

Deo + Bunker + Oni + Dire + Stratu

With 82% speed Stratu is a very reliable way to pull off a second one-on-one. Then maybe 6th put either one of the legendaries with stunning entrance, purify and give turn. That should solve any issues that have cropped up and keep you sweeping.

I love the look of Bunkerbeast and the damage seems just right as well as having a “piercing shot” that makes him great for countering various opponents. No hold ground and no quick first shot makes him very weak to stun or being swept. Should be a nice addition to anyone’s team without being overpowered.

Already found one bunkerbeadt at pvp fully evolved paired with warca,stratus,Mecha
That guy is fast he goes faster then my Choco at +8… I Menage to win with my Zzz guys after kill him and is friends …he will be a pain in UC

Yeah even worst than Bane,so many sleep counters in the game lately,UC gets harder every time

Dont worry mate we also become stronger

Not all of us my friend,I have been lacking in progress on my UC team,barley got top 100 last time,now its gonna be hard

I beat him with a SS fl by getting him to try to knock back lava & drake while I had most active

If your worried about bunker beast dying after a single shot load again and use give turn. So he can at least get a few shots in before he dies :slight_smile: i was going to pass o him and did a single egg and endded up pulling him.
Not a 10-1 just a single egg lol

Nice one.