Regarding Whale Treasure Event


Does getting Starskie from Whale Treasure event gets my next login in bonus immediately ? If not why does Starskie have 300 fins.Let me know guys.


It has nothing to do with your log in.

Some people like to have a 5 star chronos as well as the fully evolved chronozeros. So this let’s them get another starskie so they can have both.

So does it mean can we have 5 star chronos as well as the fully evolved chronozeros in the same team?


No. But sometimes a 6 star wont fit with your team cost but the 5 star will.

how do you get a 5 star chonos? i only have 6 star one.

Originally everyone got the monster via daily login but it caused too much early-game imbalance so they added an online event to get it (which unlocks after becoming the champion). For all the people who already had it from daily login they were able to get Chronox a second time… but had no starskie to evolve it so it was stuck at 4*. With the ability to buy them from Whale’s Treasure it means these older players can have their Chronozeros AND a Chronozar (5*). These people would probably never use a Chronox but a Chronozar they might, hence the extra starskie being nice.

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