Reason for P2W and F2P

imho f2p do exist, play for fun

you forgot people also play this game when they have nothing to do. spare time to put it simply.
time for games and real life is really different imo. i pay more for instant delivery to save more time. i play some games because i have nothing to do at that moment

neo is still a fun game without a complete deck of monsters, at least to me.
unless if you’re so depended to great monster and can’t play properly without them

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I would just like to throw a curve ball in. Your hourly wage is a currency conversion rate between time and energy to Money. So to say that a P2W saves time is only partially true, because the money they spend is converted from their time working anyway. Food for thought


You guys just enlightened me

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@DMG_Rocket @LemonSqueezy you both have made very valid points that I agree with. I’ve said it before, it’s been said here already, and I’m fine with saying it again: Time is Money. Always has been, always will be. Anyone saying differently doesnt necessarily realize the value time has.

Yes, spare time is a thing and I understand the viewpoint towards that, but I also view time like a Fossil Fuel, once it’s gone you cant get it back, tis a finite resource.

I spend my Time as a whole either working, with my friends, dog, girl, family, or I spend my Time doing things that I enjoy by myself. Money is no different. Watch.

I spend my Money as a whole either helping get me to work, on my friends, dog, girl, family, or I spend my Money on things that I enjoy by myself.

Same statement, just Money and Time substitutes with eachother. Do I spend a fortune on Neo Monsters? Absolutely not. Do I feel like spending the Money that I spent my Time working for on Neo now and then? Sure, it’s a hobby I enjoy and I budget myself to afford it when I want to.

Not that I want to start an arguement with this, but it is kind of irritating to still see comments on how F2P and P2P both have these self righteous ideals of either “I dont put any money into this game so that means I’m better than you” and on the flipside I see “i put money into this game so that means I’m better than you.” Like holy ■■■ man, cant we all just shoot that horse and put it out of its misery already?

I dont care if you are F2P or P2P, if you play a good game I will tell you so and not give excuses for things, and I think everyone would appreciate that mindset.


Lovely argument. For the record, I don’t think Rocket or myself were claiming to be better than anyone for our choices. Just giving our reasons why we are F2P or P2W.

I still stand by the fact that I always spend as much of my time being as happy as possible, and Neo makes me happy so I don’t view it as a cost. Especially if I can combine it with something boring like a long journey.

I will say this though, of the 2 currencies, money is more efficient than time, (with the exception of ingredients perhaps) therefore the P2W do have a slight advantage, and rightly so.


Oh absolutely bud none of what I was saying was meant to be directed at you or Rocket other than the opening sentance I tagged you guys in lol.

Meanwhile I’m here trying to figure out what three letter word got censored.

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i think it’s safe to say no one is better than anyone.
in game, everyone is different after all
some invest a lot of money in neo like don does and some invest a lot of money in other game like phoebe does
and some just go for the fun ride with their games.
and i bet in real life all of you invest some money in a lot of things.
i don’t know why it take turns to time, money & real life, cause i think it is a different matters.
it’s ok to take a pride for being f2p and p2p in game

but it’s nice to see all different opinion

I’d like to congratulate the Neo Forum for the most civil, philosophical debate ever.


Lol you’re spitting facts now there is no F2P v P2P we’re two sides of the same coin and need each other like peanut butter needs jelly(preferably grape like who really eats strawberry) idc idc.

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Remember, the only time wasted on neo, is when you get ban, Like I did.

Sheriff got ban?

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Why did this chat suddenly become into which one is better?:sweat_smile::joy::joy::man_facepalming:t2:. They were just talking about reasons to be p2w or not

It was deeper than that. Welcome to philosophy class. Take a seat.

Hot take: you should not buy gems if you have credit card debt, student loan debt, auto loan debt, or any form of high interest debt in general


But you can grind them during work :blush:

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I happily spend on other games. I think all players should be open to spending for entertainment, like they spend for practically everything else in life. However, the game developers should make their game worth spending money on with things like it being super fun to play and spending increasing players’ fun.

For me, I’m never going to spend big bucks on Neo which means mythics are out of reach. I would spend for legendaries but the problem for me is adding one or two extra legendaries to my collection won’t actually increase my enjoyment of the game or make my account more powerful… I already have all I need and with free gems can get enough new stuff to keep me happy. Then there’s the RNG of the gatcha… I’m not a gambler so that puts me off spending too. It’s not out of guilt at all that I spend time writing guides, making videos and that kind of stuff. It’s just because I enjoy sharing knowledge and helping others to have fun. It’s a nice positive how it in some respect supports the company, even if not directly financial.

I highly encourage each to take their own stance and decide whether or not they want to spend. Everyone should have an “entertainment budget” in mind (even if it’s $0) and try to maximise their enjoyment with it.

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I’m a F2P, even though I only has a consecutive login of 102 at the time of writing. Reason why I didn’t burn any cash is because I’m as broke as shattered glass. ( it also would take the challenge and strategy aspect out, as you could just hatch eggs with the best mons in them )

You definitely are not guaranteed to get the best legends out of eggs just because you spend on them. Unless you actually bank roll until you hatch what you want, then its still alot of careful hatching and timing.

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Sorry for the confusion but I meant that you could just spam hatch till ya get what ya want. ik that RNG plays a huge factor in your game so sry

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