Re download game

I deleted the game a couple months ago, when I re download it what do I have to do to get info again?

As long as you enter your restore code after tapping through the introductory tutorial and tapping “Menu” > “Restore Data”, all of your progress will be restored and you will not lose anything.

I don’t remember my restore code though, how do I get it?

Send your friend code and/or other information about your account (like your hero rank, number of legendaries you have, your game progress, etc) to
If you mail the devs for your restore code they may help you.

How come the info doesn’t automatically restore itself once you re download on same device?

It won’t. When the app is uninstalled, the data will also get deleted. So there is no way the data will restore itself on the same device.
You don’t know your friend code and know any other information about your account? If so you’ll be lucky.

I know all the information on my account but I don’t have my code memorized lol

Welcome back Showtime !