RAW and Cannibalize shouldn't be nerfed !

It doesn’t make sense of nerfing them !

Raise your hand who agree

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Its completly fine being nerfed raw is unwartented but fine and caniblise should have been nerfed years ago

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You are happy cuz azida is buffed :expressionless:

What does that have to do with anything? :joy:

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You don’t wanna undo this update !:sweat_smile:

The update wouldent be undone if raw and caniblise was revreted what are you dumb? But this makes the game balanced do you just thrive using your orca behind plumes?

:neutral_face:i was joking :joy:

Well i don’t care if raw satys same
I don’t use taunt and in my most team
But cannibalize nerf ruins my half of the teams

It ruiend aura strats leira nerf ruins gimmick teams dragon buff ruins prixis fls etc etc you gonna complain about them all? Or just be biased and only think about how it hurt you?

Just move on and build something new its not that hard


Well said!


Can I get back my ticket @Dev_VKC ? Lavamane is trash now. Or buff him maybe ? Give him bloodfury or bloodcrave to make him synergy with “new canibalize”.:sweat_smile:


The decision of making taunt incompatible with raw skills beyond my understanding, the auto taunt already provided low protection (40%, though in my experience it redirects only 25-30% hits). Many monsters are usable only because of their raw skills(glarcion, scorpiogeist etc.), while auto-protect monsters are targeted so to attack other monsters, taunt monsters are rarely targeted(atleast among players who don’t have too many legendaries and mythics like me)as the protection offered is too low to be concerned about. All in all this update severely affects usability of raw skill monsters players possible lineups(especially for players who don’t have too many legs). What are you thoughts about it?

I’ll tell you what’s more annoying. Now I’ve got to think of a new way to phrase Ziberius’ monster analysis that isn’t subtly hinting the best way to play him is just to kill himself.


So change the skill with something like caani but it can be used in itself

You are right but i tried to move on but couldn’t :worried: