Taunt nerf stops synergy

Oh lord, been playing some PvE and did not realize how dumb this taunt nerf was.

@Dev_VKC if you wanted to restrict people from using Charybdia with Plume the correct solution was to make RAW Twin KB into SOLO RAW Twin KB (or make it usable 100tu since the start of the battle?!), not completely nerfing everything around Taunt.

Shiny Jadeboa was the perfect partner for Arachno to play in LINK earth teams, now it is destroyed due to you being afraid to touch one overpowered mythic that everyone spams in the frontline.


So it’s ‘destroyed’ when you can’t use the SS with Shiny Jadeboa? Interesting mindset.

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Raw was a very big change, there are some details to polish =P

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The worst part about taunt now is they don’t protect as people say and people keep bypassing , so they survive enough to block the raw monster you placed 5-6-7 spots away , soo you have to choose between raw and taunt

Which is the point of Raw


No you really dont get it at all , if its an AP who really protects you can use a raw monster like 4 spots away and its safe because it will get killed , but thiss … its really uncessary what they did to taunt

No u. Raw is a skill that’s supposed to have a big weakness. The monster gains the ability to aim freely, but can’t do so behind something that can take hits for it. The change makes perfect sense. The advantage of taunt compared to protection is that it doesn’t activate Protector killer, assassinate, true hit etc.

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They broke so many combos and lineups with changes related to ONE mythic that they now is too good. They try to release counters to it and change strategies around Charybdia but not touch her skillset at all. I want to ask why so many fun and underplayed monsters have to get weaker only to protect the one overpowered and overplayed one.

They boosted Megalo to counter Prix and Charybdia but now stuff like Azida is hit by the changes but she was not a problem at all. The whole “we want to offer counters first before nerfs” is a complete bs and only hurts monsters who were not an issue in the first place.

Prixis was barely changed since her release, Charybdia not touched at all, but we got a bunch of major changes (like Raw and Taunt) and boosts to 90+ SE monsters, that only weakened a lot of not so good and not popular myths.


Your original complaint was about not being able to use a raw skill behind taunt. Do you think it’s logical to be able to hide raw monsters behind taunt?

I read the rest of your comment which is part of a much larger conversation which I’m not gonna discuss now.

I wonder why you remained silent , when i gave a list of monsters aloowing to hide behind protectors but still can use moves allowing you to bypass

I read it and KD already gave you the perfect answer. There are not really any problematic monsters in that regard.

Doomgoo is the only monster that arguably poses a problem but you have to use it while it’s on 1 hp. They have recently increased the amount of lava entrance etc. I think it’s enough of a disadvantage for Doomgoo but you may disagree with it.

we do have plenty of other monsters that i didnt mention , monsters having moves who areny called raw but they are basically raw moves , and they are allowing people to benifit from protection and bypassing ,(and of corse im not meaning monsters with focos passive or moves under stealth ) so the fair part is only about taunt

Usually they have some other weakness to compensate for that. E.g. many restrictions, no defensive moves…

No, surprisingly, I agree with Coltraz.

Taunt only has a 50% chance of doing anything at all, and has a 100tu just to activate. It is an extremely gentle protection. I don’t even use Taunt and I think this was an unnecessary nerf.

I don’t know about the drama with plume, but they could have simply lowered it to a 40%, or a 35% chance. The “gentle protection” for raw mons is the only reason to use Taunt at all… PK and true hit are not so ubiquitous as to warrant such a completely unreliable protection.

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Bringing up the 100TU is a good point. Maybe taunt should become only 70TU to use


Or even 50tu. Taunt barely does anything, making it fast would at least make it useful in some other way.

I’ve been using azida since I got it from that paid egg banner and it’s so good with a 100% stat boost. I agree in general tho

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