Rate My Team

After grinding for ingredients to ultra few of my epics that I actually feel useful. I want to ask the expert team builders if my team is decent or needs improvement/changes. So far I haven’t started master league, I heard the game gets tough there hence the grind lol.

As you can see I have a lot of stunners that’s because i believe stun is the best way to win combine with sleep/poison. So what do yall think?

Criticism is accepted…

Im no expert but i would use zephr because it has team turn

yes ive played with zephyr a few times but thing is team turn is only once while my Gigasect and Grimowl have give turn which can we used for the whole battle which i believe is more effective since Gigasect can stay alive long until a healer comes in. I give turn to any of monsters depending on the situation but I normally give turn to Crysdrake(llong secs) so he can get some kills so Bloodlust can be live hence why he is in my starting 4(also sleep/protect kller).

Mainly: pegassiah out of team is a big mistake. I reckon is one of the “must have” in every team.

It’s gotten me by, but I would like to make it more competitive.

really and why is that…though pegassion was my first gold egg hatch besides starter lol

You have ultra evolved 8 legendaries? That’s crazy… cannot image how you can get so many materials to evolve and enough place to store them.

I would love to say I got extremely lucky with all my in game gems, but I had to invest some disposable income.

Either you invested a lot of disposable income or you got real lucky. Either way I love the monsters!

Desperate double is really handy, if u use it wisely is really useful with hold ground

I’ve got 4 and I’ve got the material to evolve the other 4, I’m waiting the super de aging fruit event

What monster should I add to team

Hi guys, could somebody please give me some suggestions on how to improve my team? Pictures of my team and other relevant monsters are attached

there is already a thread for this, you can also pm me with your facebook/line ID and ill help you