PVP Meta List

I was 23 or something close to that. Full sleep team from top to bottom, but no Soulstealer

Reached top 50 at some point, admittedly with a lot of d/c holding me down.
Using night night / sacrifice squad

I disconnected 8/10 times so no idea what in my team if anything is effective. :tired_face:

Same here tbh.
I found that taking out 8 monsters one by one ensures a long game, but taking out 8 monsters in about 20s makes a lot of people quit. That’s basically how I got to 400

I reached 5th place on the second day of tournament (had to work first day). After that I started trying some other teams. I did it with assisted holy frontline followed by bahamuzar, rexo combination.

Upload it to imgur and then copy the url into here.

Thanks! I must say I had some luck with connection. Never got disconnected from my side unlike most players heard on forum! I think I must have fought about 30 battles with this team and lost 3 times.

I was in rank 2-5 for most of the time… I think I ended somewhere in top 20 (started mixing it up n trying to build more teams rather than having just a one trick pony )

I was running Assisted lightning into Assisted Holy

I was 83 used a sleep based team with stun and timestrike. The dc’s and pop-up killed me again.

I landed around 35 but I had MAJOR issues with lag and DCs…lost about 30-40% on DCs. Also lost a few matches when people called or texted me because it caused my monster to “run out of time”.

My front line was Oroblazer, Shadowwyrm, Alphagear, Esaperizon followed by time strikers, sleep, and send back time strikers rentering at end…wish I had aegis!!

Really great strategies by everyone tho!! Can’t wait to see how they evolve as people get more familiar

Finished rank 30. I used Soul Stealer abuse, had 2 blood crave/time strike super epics, stunning entrance heal all, with stun absorb/purify tanks, back of my team was 2 legendary auto poison to take care of any last biters. I also had two super epic survivor at front, once sleep bomb/death sentence killed the front line, I had two survivors, blood thirst, and give turner. Honestly with that strategy I either made short work of my opponent or someone (Fredator) would counter my soul stealer/sleep start off and then stomp me out. Only had two battles or so make it down where neither of us had any bench monsters.

I use monsters with switch places to compensate for this very circumstance.

I did the same for aeigis dragon. I switched places back to when he was knocked back several times

I had the same thing happen to me. Had a lot of dc bc of calls and thing popping up

I was top 50, but I was sleeping when the even ended. Last I checked I saw 39 I think? but it must have slipped down. Lol I ran a water assist stun team like Zard did!

How does poison knockback work? Does poison hurt even when the monster is on bench? Or is the knockback supposed to set up for poison massacre?

It’s basically for when you have an auto poison legend on the field because any monster entering the field will get poisoned and then is free to be poison eaten or massacred

in addition the knockback can help you get rid of targets which are dangerous to your lineup. Poison legendaries are strong damage wise but they are also very vurnerable to attacks.
in  case a dangerous monster comes past that could potentially threaten your poison legends for whatever reason you can knock it back to the end of the team and deal with it later because on its own it will not be able to do much

In addition to all that monsters have to apply an entrance delay when their predecessor gets knocked back, so you kind of (not really) stun them a little bit

my current team runs assisted water leading into a fodder team. Gearcroc and atlanteon have both been amazing assets for my frontline. Also I think you forgot about devilborg for fodder, he’s pretty good. And maybe put serazael, since he can pull dolphoenix back for a double enterance or switch with a more valuable monster that got knocked back.