Pvp bots

Ok guys. We’ve been at this for years now and I think the time has come to start asking. Can we get bot characters in pvp please?

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but that would just be pve :thinking:


You can’t be serious? :joy:

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Ive been doing bot pvp on auto play for the past year or so

How about no? That’s literally the entire purpose of pvp, to not play bots but to play real people

Really bro u are asking this :face_with_spiral_eyes:

:eyes: :joy:

Well now you say it im wondering if nagao isnt a bot finally

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Many of these new players are comedians.

Doesnt PvP mean Player vs Player? If we play against a bot than doesnt that become PvE with a handicap (like what PurpleHeart said)?

If you are talking about say a practice match, i think there is an option like that. I believe against ‘super-buffed’ teams or ‘top-player teams’

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Adding bot makes pvp = pve !

But what about off seasonal PvP ??:eyes::eyes:

There are PvP bots in a game I’m beta testing at the moment. It makes sense there because it doesn’t have a big enough playerbase to find an opponent 90% of the time (unless it had you waiting for many many minutes).

I haven’t heard of players struggling to find opponents. That was only a thing during the first 2-3 years of the game (back when we didn’t have seasons - PvP only opened for a few days roughly once a month, it didn’t have the popularity or consistent players like it has built now).

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We had dlgz in the past and people didn’t like it.

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