PvP and PvE

Hi guys I am here today to propose a survey about where you feel you learned more to team build and strategize?
I know that some of you might say that both are necessaries and I agree with this but in my opinion being a good pve player would somehow make you a strong based pvp player.
Being only a good pvp player take less effort as some people just can throw random S+ monsters and achieve a good placement.
I’d like to hear your opinion!


I like PVE,sometrick I learn form you and friend in clan ,and other trick from 3ie asmat

I am pretty not enjoyed on pvp now, because since my hero lvl 100 .my opponent is to hard for me now .spam awaken myth ,spam aoe ,spam S+ tier monster .my hero lvl is 109 now and I meet player in lvl198(this is like you lvl 9 and your opponent lvl98)
I think it would be better if the enemy selection is “based on how long you log in” rather than “how big your hero is”


I learned how to do pve first. I got some advice from the forum and I got to chapter 6 in hell mode. Now I achieve good placements in pvp by adding bomb + flocc to existing strategies for more explosions.

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Pvp. Pve is not hard to make a team for. U literally know what you’re going up against so that’s no challenge

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I would say PvP cuz it takes more effort than PvE at least to me
Also throwing random S+ tiers won’t help much imo

I always strategized in PvE, then I got Goldtail and Geartyrant. I’d say PvP.

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Back in my day PvP was a rarity, so I definitely learned to play from PvE. However, the two types of the game are a very different ball park so while learning PvE well set me up nicely for PvP in the early days (when people were still figuring it out) I’m not sure if the same could be said today.

PvE is complicated in that there are many events you need to build different teams for but ultimately as your collection expands it starts to feel easier because you’re able to put together naturally stronger teams. I think to 100% complete all PvE content it does take skill and clever team building. If we didn’t have YouTube and weren’t able to learn from others I think many would struggle to figure out how to use their teams to win. Even now, in Showdown Tower where we can see other people’s teams being used I see a lot of what I would class as “PvP teams” that they’ve chosen to run I guess because it’s strong enough to get the job mostly done rather than creating something better suited.

For PvP you can advance to a certain point by copying what others play or jamming S+ monsters, mythics or stun immune monsters into your team. However, the fine tweaking of teams, adapting well to the changing meta and in-game decision making are all harder than in PvE. Learning each of those three things doesn’t really help in PvE I don’t think.


Thanks for your feedbacks guys I loved the fact that this discussion took place and I hope for more feedbacks.

In my opinion and experience PvE is the real place where people “study” how to play Neo Monster, so when you reach pvp you just need to put in practice what learned.
PvP is definitely much more pressure, you need to think fast and sharp but you need to be really really talented to learn how to play by playing pvp, so far only few people played just PvP showing this “talent”.
Most of the “only pvp” players they don’t have a real idea of how monsters interaction works, they follow the meta or models which can bring them results.
From my side I am a “mainly PvE” player, I play PvP only when comes to reaching some limited rewards or when I do need to come into ranking, so I can gladly say that I still learn a lot from PvE each day (that’s the base of my decision making once I get how some combinations work), thanks to PvP I have a place where to practice to speed up those mechanics.
So I would say 70% PvE/ 30% PvP in my growth as a player.

So my advice is: play PvE, because being a good PvE player will give you the tools to be a good PvP player.

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To be fair, if PvP didnt have the ridiculously good rewards it has right now, I wouldn’t bother playing it and would just stick to PvE and events lol. You get a lot more content from PvE and alot of different strategies implemented that you have to build and learn to counter against where PvP is a bit more of whatever the current meta is, build against it and hope for the best. Pvp also continuously feels like a rinse and repeat of the same monsters and same strategies used over and over, typically with the same base monsters most players can obtain (Flocco, Dusic) mixed with top tier monsters that they happen to have rolled. It’s more about what is considered the best monsters rather than the actual team build and it is a bit frustrating sometimes in that regard… but like I said, the rewards to 40k RP and 50 wins is enough for me to do at least that, then just win 4 or 5 matches in Ranked to get top 1000 and get the limited monster and a few gems lol.


I agree with this I prefer pve by far. Id also add that there are several monsters and strategies that I really enjoy but are just not viable im pvp.

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I like pvp bc im good at it and I can aoe spam ppl

Very well put BanDragon! It’s why I spoke out against people asking the Devs to put more rewards in PvP. With all the increases they’ve done it’s definitely catering to a PvP-only crowd now and I think the game would suffer if it pushed us even more to that. PvP can get very stale or monotonous. People say that about the PvE events too but that mostly comes from the PvP crowd or from old timers that have done all the events many times each and have teams built for them already.

Totally agree with this! Variety keeps things fun and in PvE you can use all kinds of things, especially in events like Whale’s Treasure.

They should make a PvP spectator mode that lets us watch games between top players so new players can get a feel for advanced strategies.

Isn’t spectator mode what naturally happens every time a new player meets a top player?

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No that’s a execution mode.