We are working together to improve the tier list. It’s often a controversial topic that sparks discussion, which is good! There are some who believe there should be more community input at the end of those discussions, so I’m going to pose the question to the forum community: Would you like the community to have a say in controversial tier placements via voting, or would you rather it stay as it is now with KD deciding for the community?
Tier Voting Poll
I’d like community voting for the tier list
I’d like Killerdog to make the final decision on tier placements
Note, we are actively working on a solution to the current tier list and some changes will be made, however I think it is important to know whether the community wants this change before we spend a lot of effort on something people may not even want. Please vote!
KD Note: Currently people can, of course, suggest changes to me directly. What this vote is for is to have a formal system to overrule me when I’ve gone wrong on a monster and am being stubborn about it.
Note to KD’s Note: This poll has been created to address that stubbornness when it comes to listening to people.
ngl I genuinely didn’t realize you guys took this that seriously lol. I mean, I certainly do care about it to a extent but I’m way too lazy to actually maintain a tier list and put up with everyone’s bullsh*t (at least from my perspective) opinions on why this monster should go up a tier and that monster should go down a tier.
That being said, if I were in charge of the tier list, I’d totally use my pvp rankings as an excuse to invalidate a bunch of opinions I happen to disagree with if it’s not from another top player. That would be so fun
For context, the proposed new way of operating will be if a monster is called into question, and it’s not an obvious troll job, we’ll make a poll that stays open for a week and just go with the results. It’s not as complex as you’re saying it is
Note: Currently people can, of course, suggest changes to me directly. What this vote is for is to have a formal system to overrule me when I’ve gone wrong on a monster and am being stubborn about it.
I know, it’s a total nightmare. Makes me want to give up doing it altogether. Given the time commitment and how much effort I actually put into getting information from the community it really ruins the whole experience for me having a few people giving me a hard time over stuff and claiming things like how I don’t listen to the community. From Lemon it’s particularly disappointing, since he spends more time criticising my system of doing the tier list than he actually does giving me any constructive input.
If you admit this does happen from time to time (you being stubborn on things), I don’t know why on God’s green earth people wouldn’t want a poll system for these instances unless they’re just lazy af.
I think you’re overestimating how many things people will want changed. Most of the list is great!
There’s probably 4/5 monsters tops that are egregiously wrong, and you don’t listen to the community’s feedback on those. That’s the reason we may need a mechanism for voting.
I agree. Having the system in place seems like a no brainer. It will make me a little sad about some monsters that I want high/low not being possible to put there but the negative for others isn’t much, besides missing out on some of my hot takes.
Thanks, no I agree that it’s probably just going to be a few. The risks as I see them are:
Some monsters like Ziberius that have very niche play but people LOVE the strategy / they’re seeing lots of play in the meta will be pushed up a lot in the tier list. This may result in the placement system I’ve been using becoming a bit confusing (low tiers are for niche use monsters).
The mythics tier list may have a lot of re-shuffling, with the ones people own getting overinflated compared to the rarer ones. (Mythics are, by far, the hardest to place because a lot of them are good and peoples opinions differ quite radically, often not in line with the monster’s true power level - myself included in that, you’ll see I’ve gone back and forth on a lot of them over the years).
Neither may happen, but they could both mess with things a bit. Over a long period of time the second could end up impacting the tier list a lot.
Tbh this statement is really hypocritical. I won’t leak screenshots but you are by far the person who complains the most about how wrong the tier list is
Yeah, I can confirm that Duck is the noisiest. Just a couple of weeks ago when I was asking for input about the mythics PvP list in discord and shared what I planned to change it to with this latest update he was all over it and saying many of the same changes he’s said to me 5+ times before over the last year
Well you’re the noisiest and complain the most, but you complain about the tiers of monsters rather than ridiculing the system or me personally. That angle I really appreciate. It feels FAR nicer from my side. Squinty is also lovely when we chat privately because when I explain why I’ve placed things where I have or my thoughts about certain movements he shows a lot of understanding and is good at proposing solutions we can both agree with.
Even if i disagree about some classifications like ophidiator and lucifelle , i think if everyome contributed there it will be a mess because 99% use emotions, while i know you try your best to br neutral