So the tier list is nearly two years old now, and funnily enough i’ve changed in that time more than it has. Specifically I’ve gone from having a lot of free time to struggling to find more than one continuous hour in a day to play the game, let alone manage the tier list. And to be honest I’m not going to be an authority on the game if I cannot play the game. At the same time I feel like the tier list is too important for me to just leave it to die.
So I am officially looking for someone to carry the torch of managing the tier list. You’ll need an up to date understanding of the meta at all levels (both high and low) and enough free time to update it after each pvp, along with a grasp of the forum notation (Spoilers, formatting, etc.).
Reply here if you wish to take this on and I’ll discuss details further in PM.
Where’s itachi when you need him
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Man, I would’ve loved to do this a year ago. Sadly I’ve become less invested in this game as of late, I usually just stop at 3 wins in every pvp. So there’s no way I’m getting an accurate consensus of the current meta.
I think @Killerdog is suitable for this
If I were to take it over I’d basically turn it on its head. I’m not on Line with the rest of the community so I’m not in touch with what everyone thinks of the monsters. I don’t want to make it my own individual listing of them all, I’d rather it was the community deciding. Also, currently I’m focusing on writing guides for another game (and will be for the next ~2 months) before then quitting that game and making Neo Monsters the only on-going game I play. At that time I’ll start writing guides for here, including lots of details on ranking of the monsters and such… basically I may as well give my input there and leave the tier list as what others in the community write, so you get a mixture of perspectives on stuff 
Being on line would help a lot.
Tbh if I changed it to be in line with my beliefs then it would look very different as well, thus far I’ve tried to keep it as unbiased as possible.
There is a tendency towards the preferences of higher level players since they are the ones using the most legends but that’s pmuch unavoidable.
I vote killerdog. I would do it personally, but i’m really just playing for fun at this point, not form wins/abusing the meta, etc. . .
Stun: 99% OP
Poison: wannabe99% OP
Sleep: sleep-30%, sleep all 0%, 1-1 99% chance of leaving purified alive.
Mons strength fall out along those lines.