Problematic Monsters

Obviously nerfing can be discussed but is not the reason of the topic.

For example I suggested to take of toxic presence from the fire SE tree, that’s technically a nerf.

That’s incorrect, it summons a bronzeshell whenever your 4S monster or above dies.

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Ok I thought was only 6S, that would make more sense to me. Any less no spawn.

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Lemon- the new gf and the mythical awake that has roaring entrance and defang

Shiny fox
Link fire
The penguinator
Orca- and I used to like him too. Now it’s just over used too much what’s makes me hate him

Everything I don’t currently use.


How does moku and specterfox bother you?

Read the earlier posts I wrote on shiny fox
And moku should be disband from using in pvp only

Mermaid princess and lemon.


there are much worse endings than moku in my opinion moku is the weakest ending, I don’t think I should retreat from pvp, and the fox with a simple calming entry creates 2 deadlifts for the opponent that’s why I never use it

Yes but the reasons?

Moku and deathgazer at the end, it’s game over

I don’t think so, just don’t kill yourself when you see moku is not the last monster

How are you trying to deal with this combo?

Whatever monster I have left on the field I just make due with what I got

Moku I have lost so much to him

Well, of course, she heals to full on entrance! At least S!Spectre enters with a sliver of HP and can die to Bloodcrave recoil.

To be fair, I don’t really think there’s a specific monster that I really hate.
I used to really hate some monsters in PvP, but now I see them less and less and I realize how great the limitations are, definitely a step in the right way.

I think I really only find problematic some strategies, mainly the ones you find in three teams our of four.

the real problematic is someone cannot counter it and they said pvp boring and then ask that monster to get nerf. :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

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Might be an unpopular opinion but I actually feel the balance situation is better than in a long time! Granted, there still are some annoying monsters but many of them have been toned a bit down. Also the newest mythics haven’t been that oppressive, though Onika does seem a potential meta changer.

Cynthia is still quite powerful and Lemon is still as annoying as ever. Full sleep entrance without any sacrifice shouldn’t exist imo.

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Average balance fan :nauseated_face:
Average Poison endgame/LINK Fire endgame/G.F. enjoyer :muscle:t6::relieved::muscle:t6:

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