Plz guide me the best time to hatch

The last time I hatched 40 eggs and 1 rare egg (Era of dragons) it was the worst ever got only two five star monsters out of which one I already had and other one isn’t that good and I would never used in a battle. Even the rare egg monster was just a 5 star, don’t remember who but wasn’t a great hatch.

The sad part is this happened even though I was told to hatch only in festivals but because I had a lot of training points left and needed more monsters to complete missions so got impatient and hatched it.

Would like the members here to guide me the next time a festival comes, we could analyse the monsters and update if it’s the best time to hatch then :pray:

I have 40 gems and 2 rare eggs so hopefully I am hoping for 3 six stars this time.

There is no “best time to hatch” as it is RNG for egg luck. Also wait for festivals to hatch as the odds of getting 1+ legend increase from 33.5% to 46.7 %.

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Wow huge expectetion from neo
I spend about 4packs and a few singles in the last Festival only got 1 Legendary who’s not even featured.
U can count on rare egg but never count on the 10x packs.

