Hatching in Anniversary

When is the best time to hatch eggs during anniversary? is it when the egg events were first released or after all the free and bonus has been collected?

I know its choice and based on luck or whatever, what I mean is that: will there be anything that you can regret if you hatch too early right after they lend us the festival event during that time?

Are there any surprise at the middle of the week of anniversary or something like that which happened in previous anniversaries? Just asking cause this will be my 1st and I patiently stored event gem prizes for months just for this period. :sweat_smile: thank you very much


I personally open when Halloween comes out because then you’ll be able to choose between 2 festival eggs and you can pick your favorite.

Anniversary is always different though, like last time we had a guaranteed mythic pack, so I just opened that one immediately because, I mean, why not.


noted. thank youuu

btw, does the guaranteed mythic before are just for paid gems like in newcomer egg?

That’s the egg, but when it was first released you could also open it with 40 free gems.

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I don’t think so, should be for everyone assuming we have the gems. I’ll be hatching 30 immediately and 40 (50 if I’m lucky) at Halloween

Hatch at 9:23:27 am precisely for a guaranteed legend. It’s hard because the egg has to open exactly at that second…



Those are very sharp numbers, not sure if you’re sarcastic or what :sweat_smile:

but mine is at 11:00 to 11:10 AM (GMT +8) that’s where I get 3/4 legendaries in Bastia Event and 80% of my 35 legends. however, this last egg events shows in our time zone in between 11:14 AM to 11:20 AM so I don’t do hatching anymore


thank you for your responses, I found this from Killerdog so maybe I just leave it here as well, same like what Smugsmodia says.

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Great minds and all that.


A.M. or P.M.?

Could you? I thought it was paid gems only.

the way they celebrate anniversaries varies quite wildly over the years, so I wouldn’t necessary rely on previous years to give us an idea of what to expect. Especially considering that this is the 5th one coming up, which is certainly quite the milestone


alright, that’s noted too. thank you sir

100 free gems would be nice :point_right::point_left:

LOL no. Back in the 2nd anniversary they handed out 50 gems as a free pack, and people abused it to hell and back restarting with new accounts in order to score delugazar, was an absolute mess. I think the devs have learned their lesson since then. Unless they instigate a minimum amount of time the account has to have existed? In that case, perhaps it could happen…

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where r u frm, cuz i could make out my time according to yours i forgot about my first leg hatch time so i spent all my gems to find the right time for me i got another at 5 to 5:30 pm

Lol.There is no specific minute/second for egg hatch
which will give you garunteed legend…So no worries

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I just want an aurodragon and a few more thlugs, then I will buy an athrahasis and sweep

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