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On day 5 of Balancion’s Trials, selecting the Aquamid gave me an Aeromid.

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I was trying to swtich places with the epic wolf gt but due to a bug i cant do so.

The skill am trying to use has nothing to do with the enemy.

The bug occured after using bloom knock back skill on enemy void for some reason i broke the game.


It’s a known bug and it sucks

@Dev_BRD I second what Dabombber wrote above. Claimed the Aquamid from day 5 of Balancion’s and it gave me an Aeromid.

I claimed pyromid and it give noxmid

Illusion of choice.

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Ah ok, I wasnt sure because it seemed a little bit weird.

I dont now if its even a bug but Ive noticed that some players in my friends list who have got fully awakened monsters these monsters do not have any bonuses or mythic shards. Even in battle they do not have bonuses, do they loose it when awakening them? Or is it a real bug?

They have cheated to get these monsters on their accounts. If they got them legitimately they will have full speed and +9 from the three shards. If you see any mythic which isn’t like this, or any monster which only has half speed then that person has cheated to get the monster on their account. You’ll notice all these people have low hero ranks… they get banned from the game before they get too far.

When I train my monsters it always crashes after even if I train other monsters

@Dev_BRD when you fatal sting an enemy that is already poisoned it removes the poison. Can’t remember if it was a regular poison or if the enemy had a previous fatal sting already applied.

This is not a bug lol. You need quite a lot attempts to actually catch nox. Some people need a few tries some like 100

Nox isn’t a fantastic monster by any means anyway, so if he’s consuming lots of your time, feel free to put it off.

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Why can Dusicyon cannibalize bronzoid? @Dev_BRD

He can cannibalize any token monster. Why should bronzeshell be an exception?

I was talking about bronzoid (cost: 2) not bronzeshell.

Ehh it’s still technically a rockoid


Then that’s the “smartest” design ever.

I don’t get your point. Why would you complain about special rockoids are not threated as token monster. What did you expect?


Because bronzoid and diamond offer too much when combined with Dusicyon.
You have to remove their shields, make them hg’ed, and sorry you still cannot even charge your bloodmoves after that as Dusicyon can just eat them to heal all your enemies.

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