I’ve also been having this game crashing bug since a few months ago and have been waiting to see if someone else brings it up. I can confirm it’s specifically when I’m team building for a while and it seems to be related to how many times I’ve clicked onto a new monster (new not being unique, just clicking back and forth between two will do it). I often rapidly click between the 8 monsters at the bottom as I scroll through so I’ve been trying to break the habit. I think I can reliably trigger the crash within 5 minutes if I rapidly click but can go 10-15 minutes if I try not to click between monsters as much.
I’ve obviously got a veteran account and if number of ingredients count towards the problem (like they did with game loading in the past) then I know I’ll be the most affected because I’ve got so many thousands. If there’s anything you want me to test/record then let me know.