PLEASE cancel the PvP event! There are still a lot issues and bugs!

I was reading the thread where people report issues and bugs during fights in the PvP event.

And if they have bugs then 1000 other players too.

PLEASE in the love of god CANCEL that event and fix it first completly! Open a second beta phase so we can test it.

I would prefer to play a fixed PvP event than a bugy event which makes others and me mad and angry!

I mean i still couldnt connect back to game after connection loss… but my internet was up. It only showed the popup message “connecting back” but nothing happend.

Others have huge lags, cant start a match. Sometimes it takes 2 tickets and not only 1 for each fight. When ppl change brightness it kicks them out and and and…

Please this event isnt ready. Please cancel it or ppl will be mad soon.

I am actually enjoying the event so far, there are a lot less problems this time around. Definitely a noticeable improvement. Only disconnected once so far and was not given a defeat for it.
If enough people are having problems though and can not fairly compete though maybe they should cancel it.

I think its much better this time. I’m already undefeated and in the top 1000! That new demon is gonna fit well in my team.

I fought in 3 matches, froze twice and DC the third.

I got a weird one. I lost connection, it tried to reconnect and failed giving me the defeat but I gained points from it.

I fought in 3 matches, froze twice and DC the third.
7 matches, I’ve been able to finish one…this is ridiculous

Had a call which i immediately hung up on and was still penalised, ended up losing the game because of it. Don’t think it’s too fair considering most ppl will be using their phones to play Neo monsters

You have to be the only one. This honestly feels worse than last weekend.

You have to be the only one. This honestly feels worse than last weekend.

I can’t get through a battle with out it freezing or a dc. If I get a match which is taking forever

You may be the only one that doesn’t lose points of disconnections.

We are going to cancel this event. We are very sorry about this. Lots of things went wrong on our end. We will be announcing what we will do with regards to event rewards soon.

Sorry again for this everyone

I can respect this. I will continue playing. Good people run this with what seems like good intentions.

Thank you!

Thank you so much. I understand it’s a work in progress

It is still fun when it works. Thanks for all the time and effort you guys are putting into this!

We’re sure the event will work. It will be an important part of the game so we can wait a bit more. Thanks for your work