Petition to ban MasterMarco/PISSOFF BM

It’d still be absurd even if he did it every match he ever played in.

Hi MasterMarco , found u ! Now apologize to us

Yeah, why ban him? Just give him a 5 seconds timer instead of the regular 30 seconds one until further notice.


This guys is the worst. He made me sit For 5 minutes while he sleep licked celestron for no reason

Defending MasterMarco is like supporting exploitation . Period .


You play Neo right?

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Hahaha good one

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That’s exactly what he is doing, exploiting!
Can be handled a ban for that.

I don’t think people should be banned for being assholes. I dislike people that BM, I think it’s pathetic, but it should be in their right to do so.

Plus I think it’s unfair that people tried to get Marco banned multiple times at this point, but meanwhile Gary does the same thing and people just let him just because he’s active in the forum. I get it: it would create needless drama, but it’s still unfair.


4 awakend myths

You are right because currently ‘BM’ isn’t a bannable offense in the game code of conduct. Besides it’s very hard to determine what is and what isn’t considered BM, people have different views.

However I think that this behaviour should definitely be punishable, be it Marco or Gary or anyone doing it. But first Devs need to address it.

Besides banning Marco wouldn’t solve the issue, he would just make new accounts, after all it seems he has all the time in the world.

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A time bank system like in Online poker would easily limit this problem.


Explain plz

Honestly as much as I despise players like this, banning them is not a good thing. They’re disrespectful but don’t necessarily break rules, so if we ban them for being rude, where do we stop. Yea wasting our time is one thing but if we ban that then what’s next? I think we need to leave it at this. And I can say this after being BMed for 5 minutes straight

You guys need to understand there are actually 3 kinds of people in this world .

  1. The good people

  2. The bad people

  3. The bug people who deserve to be sprayed with pesticides and massacred for the benefit of all.

Marco is the 3rd kind !


Shorter turn timer, but any spare time goes into a bank. The time bank is obviously capped at a suitable time.

When you don’t need much time to make decisions, the remaining time goes into the time bank, when you need more time to think you can use that time from the bank. (This also helps prevent auto skipping the turn because you’ll see if you’ve entered the bank as a warning).

Can’t be abused because once Marco has used his bank (say for example It’s capped at additional 30 seconds) it’s gone and now he’s back to making 15 second turns. If he wanted to build the time bank up he’d need to start making quicker decisions.

Doesn’t solve the problem completely but it limits it. Works well in Poker and if it’s a good enough system when there’s £10000’s involved it will work here

That’s gonna make the first turn the fastest, and you often need the most time on it. If you’ve ever played Langrisser mobile you’d appreciate their pvp timer. You get 15s per turn and a total of 300s extra that is used up as the fight goes on. Obviously that’s excessive for Neo but it’s a good idea. Of course that only stops traditional time wasters, not BMers who would probably benefit from that sadly

I would definitely give the first 2 turns a longer timer anyway :slight_smile:

Turn-timer should be short like 15 seconds but we should get gems equal to the remaining number of seconds :joy::joy:

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It’s called a proper bank