Petition to ban MasterMarco/PISSOFF BM

I don’t do threads like this but enough is enough.

This player with friend code 87860530 got totally outclassed and when he kept taking 25 seconds x move making our game endure 40 minutes minimum!
Now this is not the first complaint that this player is receiving, is time to do something about it.
This is totally unacceptable! People cannot waste 40 minutes in front of the phone and I am not giving him a free win.

This is a serious issue, please action! I don’t accept this player being part of this community.


I hate BM :man_facepalming:t2::hot_face::hourglass_flowing_sand::hourglass:


I completely agree with you that guy is extremely toxic players like him shouldn’t be allowed to play, that kind of behavior can make people dislike the game amd that’s not good at all.


trash player lmao. fought him two times in a row today but he left the match before I could rub it in. I don’t think his account should be banned just yet though. Just block him from pvp for the rest of the month and give him an in game message telling him why.

btw the way to get him to give up is if you also stall out the match. I kept extending my turns as well for about 15-20 mins and he got really pissy and disconnected.


You should use more the function “search” in the forum bro, there is a post of Josuinho, he did that 5 times to him! 5 times!

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his name is pretty ironic. I think he changed it to PISSOFF BM after me and maybe some other people bmed him a lot as payback. I wouldn’t mind his account being permanently banned but it might be better to do a temporary thing and see if he improves after that. If not then get rid of him.

No. He need to go.

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Hopefully he gets what he wants and gets forced to Piss Off by the devs since he BM’s so often.

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I agree. Neo would be a better place without this guy


woow is amazing precisely I came here to post a van thread against this guy, he just won me a game almost impossible to win for him, the game was totally closed when suddenly my turns began to jump without spending my 30 seconds getting the one turn team, after finishing his shifts, just when he thought he was going to annihilate him, the same thing happened again, making it clear that he is a toxic player and does not deserve to belong to this great community of Neomonsters, I hope not to see him again to avoid unpleasant things like these


Yes bro, that is quite frustrating and very desperate,

Asi es :triumph:


Another match of 30 minutes against Mr Frustrated.


You should video the entire match and send it to the devs as proof

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Yal don’t know who this is? He’s literally all over the forums doing the same thing but I won’t out you😜

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it’s not gary I already showed you the friend codes and they don’t match.


What you showed me wasn’t evidence and I didn’t say it was but think about it it does make perfect sense.

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lol wdym it isn’t evidence I showed you Gary’s friend code and then I showed you mastermarco’s friend code and they don’t match.

It doesn’t make perfect sense because gary’s an assh0le, not a sore loser who stalls the match whenever he loses. If he was losing he wouldn’t BM and even when he is BMing, he doesn’t drag it on for very long.


I’m just going to LOL at this statement and leave it there I’ve said what I wanted to say Believe what you want.

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It doesn’t matter if the friend codes match. We all know @NMEGaryOak is using the skele Auro team and will still have the account that has that regardless if this is him or not which I highly doubt it is

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