Petition Regarding Dupes

Devs please consider that instead of getting dupes it would be directly converted to potions. It could be limited to opening rare gems or 10 packs. It just doesn’t feel so good when rolling 2 packs and only getting 1 new monster and you know those dupes are more useful as potions instead.

Other players have been saying this for a long time, still nothing.

Yeppppp why not

If they did this it would remove the appeal of getting legendary potions as rewards from things. Anyone spending money / old player who is starting to roll dupes lots could pot the stronger legendaries which have limited rarity just from any normal egg roll. As it currently stands, only players who have spent a great deal of money can do this (which is a fair advantage to them).

Fair advantage lol. You sound like Donald trump. “we should screw over the poor people and give more advantages to rich people” - killerdog 2017

I’m not sure- considering the odds of rolling even a regular old boring legendary are so low that it’s not like we would be farming endless potions.