Opinions? Rank the link/assisted elements

Rank the elements by their strength of assisted/link set up. If you had all the monsters and could arrange any link team, which element would you pick for PvP strength? Feel free to name specific combos that you think are strong.

1a. Holy - with link slayerbane and link TT plus aegis, auro, heavens and tago this element is deadly in link.

1b. Shadow - the offensive blitz of zhu, tene link combos is vicious.

  1. Water - assisted wavers plus the gyo link SBA and “wave” (pun intended) of new water monsters make this a strong 3rd.

  2. Fire- the link fire poison teams and all the link fire SEs have pushed this to a fairky strong lineup. But alone none of the fire legends bring a terrible lot to the table.

  3. Ground - emerald geo synergy can be effective, but past that ground doesnt have much to offer.

  4. Air - need i even elaborate?

Dafuq is “Air”


Electric? Since theyre supposed to be based off air, earth, fire, water but whatever floats your fooquin boot.

I think lightning the best element than shadow

You literally named my setup in your list -_-
Atleast you could have been more cryptic,
You T // @ T Waffle. :joy::unamused:

You mean the link emerald - geo? Bro everyone knows thats what you run.

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If you got them all - every link could be good if builds right. Take earth for example - it considers the weakest so not alot of people use it nor roll for link earths. But im sure that if you get them all, you could make a very strong team with those and we dont even know it (its not meta if nobody has it).

About link shadow for example, when we talk about it - everyone thinks of a combination of azra, tene and zhu, while throwing in skele/choco/talo or whatever. There are more options (like nox / ank) but thats shadow assist more or less - 3 monsters that does great together. Because it needs only 3 of them, you can see it much more commonly (or things similar like moji zhu) - so we all thinks its one of the strongest out there. But who knows, maybe there are better things under the surface.

Anyway, personally i use alot of link water and link fire teams, mainly because i have enough monsters for those - and they work great (link water still meh because i hatched a damn triv instead of what i wanted…).

Dont underestamate lighting - there arnt alot of links in there but alot of the best monsters in the game are lighting.

  1. Holy, it’s got so much to offer and a large pool of good PvP monsters.

  2. Shadow, not because of the azubris trio but because there are many very useful and strong monsters in there like Atrahasis, Baublebasher, Delugazar, Tortogeist, etc.

  3. Water, it’s now got a good selection of PvP monsters like Celeshine, Gyo, Cyclo as well as some top notch SEs like Titanomoth and Freezecobra.

  4. Storm, while it’s not yet got many “link” moves in it the monsters are very strong and versatile so you can build great teams. Doll penguini is exceptionally strong in link storm with the link shield ally and 250s megabomb. That’s literally our first taste of link storm and it tastes good.

  5. Earth, this element suffers a lot because it only has 16 legendaries and hence not the versatility offered by others. However, there are still some good combos and link moves like Lagodragon’s link double give turn that is 5-time use so can combo with a give turn monster for 5 instant turns to a sweeper. The problem is slight dependency on SEs.

  6. Fire, with a crazy mixture of legendaries dumped in this element there is no great synergy apart from the poison SEs which can’t really compete with teams of legendaries. One huge problem here is there are no protectors or stun absorbers at all in this element which leaves it relying on SEs very heavily. However, there are some cool things you can do in this element they’re just not as good as the others.

Hippo for stun absorb and protection?

I was referring to the legendaries, which is why I said that fire relies on SEs. In link teams you can even use the odd monster from another element anyway, which allows for things like protectors and stun absorbers where you want them… so it depends on what exactly you want to look at.

I strongly agree fire link rely on SE, but i cant say it doesnt give a fight against legendaries. Link fire team can lay some VERY heavy damage. Thats 1 of my most used pvp teams, and its lit.

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Oh I totally agree it’s good, don’t get me wrong. I just think all the others are better. Although, fire and earth are pretty similar in my opinion. Holy stands out as the best by a little margin, shadow and water are close, storm sits a bit behind then earth and fire at the back close together. That’s all just in my opinion anyway :slight_smile:

You’re right. Your fire team dismantled me last PvP and it wasnt even close. After you burned through my first 10 with me only getting 2 of yours i just left lol.

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Thats fire link alright :sweat_smile: unless you placed a counter coming up, its not gonna be pretty⚘


THANK YOU for being someone else who thinks link fire doesn’t have synergy between monsters

I’ve tried to make Ashterios work since I got him in the first egg he was featured in (I was rolling with the goal of getting timber of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) but fire just doesn’t have enough good support monsters to tie everything together

@Dev_VKC knows I’ve PMd him about making a fire version of gearcroc

I thought it was common knowledge? Lochi and a couple of others have always said so about fire being the “jack of all trades and master of none” element.

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That fire unicorn will add very unique to fire element, when it gets released. Hopefully.


Right? He is also someone I’m saving for. Zeus and horse guy. It would be nice if they came out in the same egg.

Fire unicorn?