OG player just saying hi

I dont think they will release global version tho. Their was news it will be in dec-19 but nothing have been said since then. (I watched few clips and started to dislike the game due to needing amour+ other gears to make the chracter very powerful)

Ive seen clips where literally two players playing the same characters but one is more powerful due to getting more dups and better gear.

I will not judge the game by looks but i will definitely give it a try if they release global version.


Thatā€™s just the grind, characters are easy to get but you got to farm the gear. You canā€™t pay to win in this game you need to earn the power, itā€™s tbe same with lot of Korean gacha games. Overall animation for fight scenes and open world make it a fun game, plus you donā€™t need to spend at all unless your impatient. That being said the game as geared and ungeared PvP so you donā€™t need to play in one if you donā€™t want too. Game has raids real time with guild mates as well so plenty to do. As for global release itā€™s hard to tell but you could just learn Japanese or Korean and play it.


Hi Lochi, I missed you you fellow grumpy Aussie :rofl: come back to Neo, you too @MonkeyDluffy.


I wonā€™t have my undefeated record broken , so no, Iā€™m all good :joy::joy::joy::jack_o_lantern:

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OMG SDS officially announced the global version am guessing Jan-2020 will be released.