Next festival

Anyone know when we will get the next egg festival. A festival like Xmas or new years.
Or if anyone can remember from last year (started playing this year)
Thanks in advance

Anyone know when we will get the next egg festival. A festival like Xmas or new years.
Or if anyone can remember from last year (started playing this year)
Thanks in advance

Probably 4th July but im not sure

I know it’s not the completely right topic in this thread but i want to suggest resp. to ask this.

Will comes a festival/special egg with valza/leo maybe shivadragon?
I hope this.

Leo was here recently and valza event = no money (even with buff, nobody would spend money for him). Shiva could be in an egg with some limited legends, perhaps.

I would support tenebris, loneye, oakthulu, raven, or a few others… for July fourth although one can guess we will have some red unit and blue unit in there. :/ 

I will roll only for UC monsters but almost all of then where featured already so
Road to 150

True alot of the limited edition ones have been rolled out recently. Would like to have a reven or tenebris.

It will probably be Jawshank on 4th or July. It’s a fact that’s Jawshank is the most American Neo Monster of them all.

Z19 AmericaOak

Nebelronix feels a bit american too, blue angry eagle (+weak lololol)

Do you want thst valza get buff where he kill the enemy fl instead? He is good now. He’s my fav and i wish i had him.

Yeah I used him last PvP and he did some damage.

No I would rather have limited legends featured :). Valza can be found at any time (of course with luck, but that is how it always was).

Very true.

Ok that’s right. Valza can be found every time (i had never the luck since 11 months to get him) but legends like leo/auro/motor not. Jingle i like, i 've played him once in IC.