New legends

Could someone post their stats and move sets here please I’m curious about it, or is there anywhere it’s already posted?? Also who’s your favourite?? And which do you think will be the most useful in pvp / pve

I think it was posted in a similar topic but I love the new green phoenix.

I found the topic, ironically enough it was started by me :sweat_smile: but I couldn’t find the stats / move set for the electric one anywhere? Has anyone received him or revived him with atra

I can’t find it anymore either. I swear it was on here before. I do know that cosmodragon is just like nebel.

its in “new legends and the super challenge battle”, it’s on the first page
Edit: the actual thread is on page 2 of the general forum

ahh ok. which one of the new legends is your fav?

the holy legend, looks awesome and has an awesome move set, which one is yours

I like emeral and the water team turner. I think emeral last form looks soo cool. I hope I get him. the only other legend I wanted this bad before him was Goldtail, but I got him now thankfully

man I want goldtail more then anything, he’s even my pic on this :sweat: but I wasn’t around when it was, the good thing about these legends is they’re added to the normal egg after the special egg

man I know that feeling. I got him around when I first started playing when he was featured in the special egg. I hope u get him next time he comes around. I do like that these legends r permanent too, gives me more chances for emeral! I share Goldtail sometimes if u wanna add me. 31282814

I hope I get him too :joy: but yeah I do like they’re getting added to the normal egg. I can share godfeather, kamiwyrm or celestrion

I recently got the electric nebel and a night rider after 15 rolls so I can’t complain but I wanted emeral and the water team turner so bad!!
Do you guys think there’s some kind of combo that can be done to ultimate challenge now that I have nebel and his electric form without atra ??

electric nebel? ill trade u my nebel for him lol

what is his move set

If you have sleep team you can get the combo off…once they are sleeping keep them sleep and duplicate and switch with nebel. I don’t have atra and I don’t do the nebel start and I made it in 300s. 

btw i got emerald lol first roll somehow. Finally some luck but I don’t have night rider good for you. 

Where did you post your team ill give it a look if you repost it to team thread

I just got Cosmodragon too. I really wanted emeral tho. I’m glad these new legends r permanent. cosmo needs the new cryptomid to evole as well.

Guys, do any of the new legends need the Vorabook to ultra-evolve aside from Banedragon?

burnsalot and valorpup don’t need it. I don’t have the others.

His moveset is the same as nebel, and I don’t any good sleep monsters( or that’s what I think)!
I can post my team again on rate build my team if you want and you can have a look at it :smiley:

Damn I just rolled a legendary and I got a cosmodragon dupe, also the only other legend dupe that I have is nebel xD

wow what’re the odds :joy:

Anyone know what the full move set is for Burnsalot? Just rolled him