NEW LEGENDS - Metatherion Festival

Sooo the new festival is under way and we have NEW rare egg rolls, 10-in-1 rolls, and 4 NEW Legendaries!

I know some of you have already landed these guys - Let’s get the new move sets and stats up and let’s hear some thoughts on these NEW Legendaries.

Happy Hunting!!

Drakozordz pls.
Its same like cyrogolem ?

I got the new dark dragon with infinite life flip

Does it have any passives? What is the moveset?

my game is kinda buggy at the moment and I can’t play any online missions to train him. for now he has a move called double stun strike and I know he gets an infinite use life flip
and hold ground

I’m too scared to roll. I’m so sick of duplicates


I REALLY wanted one of the new legendaries, but of course I get coredrake despite already having nightlord -.- -.- -.- -.-

you mean cyberdrake?

Yeah, cyberdrake. My bad. I’m super disappointed. Some of these new legendaries look really good. 

yeah me to, got two legs but not the new ones (nebel and sanctallion) im disapointed aswell

At least you guys got legendaries. I kept 4 accounts but none of them has ever landed on a shocking entrance!