Nerf Tenebris?

Before u get all upset this is only a question, or poll, thus im not suggesting to nerf him but asking…

I don’t have him but used a couple friend monsters…Did the entire the last story chapter with him, and a rockoid (u need another monster in ur team, because u cant fight with only a friend monster)… Is it normal that one monster can defeat 20 monsters, with ease…Not even a last bite can do this…

AI is stupid.

No please not him too

He is great and powerful,but I think this is OK if we have even op monster in game,of course tenebris isn’t that much powerful.
Hope I get him one day
F2P Arash

Who do u think is better Tenebris or Doom? I’d rather have Tenebris… Imagine a backline with Drako, Tenebris, Penguinator and Choco… XD

Good luck on that backline…

Tenebris would be better than doom because of the protection it provides with foggy entrance also it can sweep right away with the automatic stealth it enabling for a sneak attack. Only main weakness I can see here is auto poisoners as it destroys its stealth and also you have time to kill it when it enters. No need to nerf tenebris. :slight_smile:

Weak to poison and sleep and he also has low defense

What would u do against the backline I suggested, except loose :)… U can switch Se protector with Choco

AP, 1 Epic GT, TT, and SE protector, not sure if this works though but here goes, epic gt uses switch move to bring out bane from end so poisons out everyone, lets assume that TT was already used before Bane came out, and drako’s protect and se protector’s protect is up as well, so no more stealth, TT uses GT to bring bane and use dpe on drako and tenebris which would kill them both, then AP uses PE on Peng so peng dies, choco remains and can do nothing coz it’s poisoned. :slight_smile:

He is very strong, but not that hard to counter. AI is stupid.

he’s more concerned on the real player using Tenebris. :slight_smile:

No one curious how he managed to keep the Rockoid alive until calling the friends monster on the field?

Nope, clearly rockoid was a failure to not block those attacks. LOL

Never ask for nerf when we still dont see it in Pvp.

Did u read what I said???

I guess I could have been clearer, but I wanted to ask the opinion of other players, if he is too powerfull or OK. I didn’t want a nerf

HAHA U got me there, I used Geo I think it was 5 times, but only to summon the monster rather killing any other monster… Then backstab…I said Rockoid because I was able to pull it of once, and because I wanted to avoid the argument about me having Geo, who took 0-4 hits, depending on the decision the AI choose. Yet the rest was purely Tenebris…if u dont believe me I’ll make a youtube.

Ur assuming a lot of things…and barely any one uses bane in backline…(it counter penguinator thats why) But then again I only asked how to counter this backline, not if it was feasible. But yeah ur only hope really was that U have a GT AP and TT, and Drako was high on TU

Whats u Ig name? 

I have bane and use it at backline, also I saw some who use bane backline when I didn’t own one yet and drako would die coz in this situation I already used TT so drako will take some time to move well anyway that’s how I can think of countering it with your situation. :slight_smile:

I believe you, cause I know the AI. I didn’t believe the rockoid part that’s it. In game name is heros as well.
With some protectors and shiva you can also wipe out whole teams, even buffed ones.

What pvp rank are u in normally, cause I’ve never seen him backline…

Ahh ok, ur rank 64 in pvp? 

Are in the the line forum, cause i wanna battle u once

Well I’m still about 3 months using my 2nd account and as far as I remember I made it to the upper 1000 but not sure what my rank is exactly but I don’t insist that you believe me anyway. :slight_smile:

Nice, Ill guess we will battle then…why do u assume I wont believe u…that kinda of makes a bit suspicious, whats u ig? 

anyway, its not important, u don’t have to proof urself, it’s just that I’ve never seen bane at the end…

Maybe, I don’t know. If there is no top50 crown for PvP I play till 60wins and stop, don’t care about the ranking. The last time there was a crown for PvP I tried my best and ended up at top15. I’m not in any of the groups, only on the forum.